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How much did you spend on your mod$$$... ?

Started by CO2Freak, April 01, 2013, 07:44:16 PM

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Actually have a wife that doesn't mind to much, that is till I tell her the prices I paid...I'M THE MAN, FORGET WHAT SOME WOMAN SAYS...uh-oh, she's coming...help me.  :-X
Aurora, CO.



Do I have to add in the spare parts from crosman?
I ordered a few parts that added up to about $40, and figured I would get some odds and ends of spares that I should have on hand.
Seals, and springs and a front sight hood, and on and on.  Over $100, total.  Just bits.

Grips might be my downfall. I do like Walnut. Hmm, I need to find some nice grips.


Gets pricey fast.  A 40.00 order becomes a 100.00 order real fast.  You start having thoughts go thru your head while you are putting a price list together and then when on the phone making your order.  Happens to me constantly.
Aurora, CO.


I don't get a tally on my builds, if my wife doesn't know what the final sticker shock is I can always sneak in more parts for another build...well, maybe not always!  :(

Nuts about airguns and just nuts in general...but I'm medicated.


I actually keep a spreadsheet for each of my builds so I know how much I've got in to them.

Here is what I have in my 2289 build minus the various scopes I have.

Crosman 2289 Gun & Steel Breech Total:     $110.90
Crosman Parts Order Total:                         $92.53
Total Internal Modifications:                         $74.29
Total:                                                     $277.72

I have a little over $700 in my Drozd IZH 661 bulk air build.  This hobby can be kind of expensive depending on how far you want to get into it but all hobbies are. Money well spent in my opinion.  I've gotten 100's of hours of enjoyment out of all of my guns and I'm sure there are many more to come.  It get's kind of addicting is the only downside if there is one.


Cost of my Throw Down entry.

2240  $57
2300S Valve $14
12" .177 Barrel (24"cut down) $17
Aluminum Breech  $35
Extended probe bolt $12
Shroud (used) $35
Wire Stock and PA  $49
Pro Top   $35
1701P Trigger group  $38
Scope  $36
Total  $ 318
Crosman 1740, 12" bbl., , 1701p trigger, TKO LDC
Crosman 2260, Barracuda stock, 18"bbl., ACC LDC
Sheridan Blue Streak '68
RWS/Hammerli 850 AirMagnum .22 cal
Crosman 1077


Quote from: josixpack on June 24, 2014, 06:30:21 PM
I actually keep a spreadsheet for each of my builds so I know how much I've got in to them.

Here is what I have in my 2289 build minus the various scopes I have.

Crosman 2289 Gun & Steel Breech Total:     $110.90
Crosman Parts Order Total:                         $92.53
Total Internal Modifications:                         $74.29
Total:                                                     $277.72

I have a little over $700 in my Drozd IZH 661 bulk air build.  This hobby can be kind of expensive depending on how far you want to get into it but all hobbies are. Money well spent in my opinion.  I've gotten 100's of hours of enjoyment out of all of my guns and I'm sure there are many more to come.  It get's kind of addicting is the only downside if there is one.

A spreadsheet even.., I like that  ;D :-*