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1377 Custom molded grips

Started by Apachexmd, July 20, 2015, 12:56:01 AM

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I've always wanted some match style grips for my 1377 so I made some.

I am no wood worker so I used Magic Sculpt two part epoxy putty made for model makers. I'd read about target pistol shooters modifying their fancy grips with fillers and rasps so I thought why not just make the whole grip with it. Basically I mixed up some Magic Sculpt, put some bits on the stock plastic grips, and squeezed my hand over the putty. This formed the basic shape, and then and sculpted the grips for smoothness and aesthetics. Magic Sculpt can be smoothed with water when uncured, and after curing, it sands nice and smooth.

The grips aren't quite done yet, of course. I'm trying to decide between a truck bed liner spray, or just a flat black enamel.


J-B or GooGone?
Tissue test and Q-tips
JSB Exact or LUM-77?
Longer barrel?


That is a really cool idea.  :-* It may turn into a project in the near future.  Keep us posted on how the grips turn out.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheepdog contesting the vote.


Albany, New York


Formed fitted to your hand, what a concept. Nice ;)
We need to keep going and have fun doing it.


Very nice concept and execution.
Man, that was close!


Looks great. I was going to try this with JB Weld plastic-weld, but will look into magic sculpt.





I like your grip.  I have done similar with other guns.
That's a heckuva first post!
Diana 54
Daisy Red Ryder
Crosman 1322


My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


Thanks everyone. They weren't hard to make and it is a definite improvement over the stock grips.


Quote from: Apachexmd on July 20, 2015, 09:12:11 PM
Thanks everyone. They weren't hard to make and it is a definite improvement over the stock grips.
You may be too modest.  Some sort of magic in how you split the grips left and right sides?



Awesome job on the grips very nicely done! :-* :-* :-*

Modded 1377
Modded 2240
Modded 1322
1750 HPA pistol
Stock 2260(for now)
.22 Gen.2 Marauder
CCS 2300
Custom 1740
38 T


You could be on to something really cool! I may have to try this, too!  :-*
"Money is like fertilizer: When it's hoarded, it stinks. When spread around, cool stuff grows." John Densmore, drummer of The Doors

Crosman 1377, 1322, 1325, 1750, 2250 and 2540, Benjamin Steroid 392, IB QB78D, Avanti/Daisy 853, Slavia 634.