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The Ultimate Crosman CO2 pistol

Started by The Zen Master, June 05, 2018, 12:38:48 AM

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Lol! My bet is that the .177 will beat the .22 in accuracy  :)


My adapter from Poland arrived today, so I was able to mount the Donny FL Tanto.

Fit and finish of the adapter muy exemplary  :-* It looks like a deep black nitride with no anomalies whatsoever but it is heavy being all steel!

It is this one and has an undercut, so my barrel is still free floated:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/muzzle brake-ADAPTER-1-2-20-UNF-Benjamin-Discovery-Crosman-2240-11-11mm-cut/173288399186?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

Took exactly 14 days to arrive to my end. It stayed at the customs (NY) for 6 days.

I will order another one for my 2400KT  :-*

Same target, same 3 pumps, same 15-yard distance, same pellets, etc. as when it was unsuppressed and the POI did not change. I did 3 shots on this one but it already had 4 existing ones:

It is almost complete. The Magnum Airpower Super Sear and Don Cothran trigger have both been installed. The only thing lacking is the ATI cheekrest, which I ordered last night  :-*

The Zen Master

Barrel is in, test fired, feels and sounds better already!

The Zen Master

PS. I replaced the square-drive screws and screw under rear sight with alloy steel black oxide socket button head screws (1/4, 7/16, & 3/4) - perrrrfect! I hate those darned square-drive screws!

Next play-money = 2nd Fastfire III for this sweet lil pistol.


Dead squirrels

The Zen Master

First 5-shots .22. Again I did not have to adjust the rear sight to get on paper! 5-yards, standing, 2-hands leaning on a door frame. Old eyes, wrong glasses, shaky hands!

I like it!

The Zen Master

Second 5 +1 (previous 5 were RWS Superdome 14.5g)

1st shot was exactly at the top of the black 6-ring to verify on-paper with new pellet (RWS Meisterkugeln 14g). Next 5 shots were aimed dead center of white 9-ring - yes, 5 shots! 5-yards, standing, 2-hands, leaning on a door frame.

I was right, again... ;) With a Fastfire 3 on it, it will be a squirrel-killer.


Albany, New York

The Zen Master

Thank you!

Now I have a bunch of left over stuff I have to figure out the value of!


Whoa!!! You shot a great group! :-*  Definitely a good Crosman barrel.  You won the barrel lottery, for sure.  Enjoy..... :)
West Michigan
Crosman Nitro Venom .22
Crosman 760 - 782 - 1077
Sheridan S S - H - E9
Benjamin NP pistol - Disco - Prod
MIC B1 .177
2300S - 2300T - 2400kt
1740 - 2240 - 2250 - 1760 - 2260 - 1701P
1322 - 1377

The Zen Master

Thank you Bill! And thanks for all the encouragement ;)

The Zen Master

I cannot explain this...

5-shots, 7.5 yards (farthest I can get indoors), sitting, 2-hands on a stack of towels for a rest...

I am going to try again tomorrow and see what happens. If some shots went through the same hole, I need new glasses.

The Zen Master

I had to put my Fastfire 3 on it.

5-shots, 7.5-yards, sitting, resting on a stack of towels. It definitely likes those RWS pellets.

The Zen Master

I crossed my fingers and hoped it would shoot the RWS 14.5g Superdomes that I prefer to hunt with because they work so awesome in my RWS 34.

Real happy with this air pistol - i.e. My Ultimate Crosman Co2 pistol!  :-* I might have to sell my P1322C.


Just a little caution.  If you install a Marauder pistol trigger assembly, you will also need to change out the hammer.  Be sure the replacement hammer has a notch for the little breech screw in the 2300KT steel breech.  If the hammer doesn't have a notch cut in it, it will hit the screw and won't fire, and it will damage the screw.. FWIW

The Zen Master

Thanks Mulie,

I bought my triggers from Alliance Hobby - both came with new machined hammers that are appropriate for each type (American Classic pumper vs. 2300KT with hidden screw steel breech). I do not know who else sells this stuff or makes hammers but I am 100% satisfied with their service.

I tried to shoot a 1-hole group yesterday and I got close but I guess my old eyes aint what they used to be...

But still fun to shoot groups, and squirrels...

Group on right is close, group on left I adjusted the Fastfire down and probably got a little lazy on the trigger. 5-shot groups.