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I received this old jewel via USPS today

Started by Wayne52 †, January 11, 2019, 05:14:06 AM

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Albany, New York


My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well

Wayne52 †

Thanks Kevin and Brutuz !!! I've sure been having a lot of fun with these pistols.  My favorite of the five that I have is still the second type1 one that I bought.  It's got an original Crosman poppet in it too, I soaked it in oil a few days before the gun came from the Ebay seller.  That makes 3 of these five guns that I have original Crosman poppets in.  Getting to shoot good and be reliable for many more years to come I'm sure, they sure don't make them like these anymore, they're built like tanks.  I think as long as a person doesn't let a gun like this dry out once all the seals are good in it the only thing you'll ever need replacing are o rings.

This one is my favorite, everything on it works perfect and it's in really decent shape. I really
like the fact that the slide on the type1's open much further than the type2's for pellet access.

Modified Prod, 2300T, 2240 & 38T, bunch of Crosman 150's including a Ted Williams and a S&W78G

Hoosier Daddy

Very nice Wayne, I have been watching them on ebay and the prices are all over the place.
Some can be had cheap, while others go to the moon.
1377, 1740, H9A, 1701P, "2060" carbine.... plus a whole lot more ;)

Wayne52 †

Thanks Scott !!! I was trying to figure out when my Ted Williams version of the 150 was made and I could believe some of the prices I seen on some. ???
Modified Prod, 2300T, 2240 & 38T, bunch of Crosman 150's including a Ted Williams and a S&W78G