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Brand new 1377 from Walmart, had a previous owner...

Started by Jimmy_2k9, February 04, 2011, 07:30:46 AM

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First of all, Hello. I'm new to the site just signed up last night.

My reason for joining the site is the fact that I had been planning to buy myself a new Crosman 1377. I stumbled across this board while doing research on the gun, found a lot of useful information here btw.  :-*

Ok, so I'll go ahead and get to the point here. So after a few days worth of internet searching, making sure the 1377 was the gun I'm looking for, I decided tonight I'll just go pick one up. I had been a little sketchy about making my purchase from Wal-mart, since I'm well aware of the specific-mass-production-products that companies send to these stores. As a lifelong fisherman I've ended up purchasing various rods and reels from Walmart, especially with fairly expensive reels You'll notice lack of quality, in a otherwise high quality item. (if purchased from say, a sporting goods store)

I wasn't sure if this same lack of quality for sake of mass production would affect air guns. This hobby is pretty much all new to me, sure I had dozens of air guns as a kid growing up, but that's been a good 15 years ago. Well... Turns out that is exactly the case, because my purchase tonight was absolutely unacceptable.

For the price of the gun ($54 is what I payed) I wasn't expecting it to be made of the finest materials known to man. I did however, expect My product to not be a used one... Yeah that is correct, My brand new gun, perfectly sealed in factory packaging on the store rack, full price gun had a previous owner... (The plastic package was indeed factory sealed, YOU know how frustrating they are to open, NO chance the previous owner got it out without at LEAST "dinging up" the plastic.)

At this point I know what your thinking, "Well, how do You know for sure it was used?" well, I've got a list of examples here.

1. Dings on the barrel. (not little scratches, but rather deep ones with silver from the metal showing.)
2. Finger prints and smudges all over the gun. (Obviously not mine, as I hadn't even touched the whole gun yet.)
3. RUST (Rust underneath the barrel in patches, all along the entire length of it, rust under the pump in patches, pretty much on every piece under there.)
4. Multiple screws on the gun, are slightly shaved as if someone was tampering with them, I'd think Crosman has been doing this long enough to not shave screws when assembling guns, so I assume this also came from the previous owner.
**Here come the good ones!**
5. The barrel has been shimmed... I read about plenty of folks needing to apply some kind of glue or piece of aluminum or something, to keep the barrel from moving around. Well, right underneath the plastic front sight, someone has stuffed some kind of material in there along with some kind of glue. (They actually did a real nice job, but if Your looking for it You can see it.) But yeah it obviously wasn't work done my Crosman...
6. Someone carved a letter on it. There is a little "W", obviously carved/scratched on to the gun. It is near the trigger right under the safety button.

Just put my camera on charge, once its done I'll post some pictures up. Just thought I'd give some people a heads up, if You plan on guying one of these guns, I'd avoid going where I did... Maybe its a freak accident, maybe this sort of thing happens often, I'm not sure. Being skeptical before buying there, then getting what I got... Yeah.

Here are some pics.


Wow, I don't know how your walmart operates but I would be taking that right back and exchanging it!
- Crosman 1377 stock... For now ;)



That's crazy. If you have your bill return the product in exchange for a new one. They really won't mind doing that if you just want another gun. Sometimes they get fussy if you want your money back.

If they still won't exchange it ask to speak with a manager and explain to him/her the dangers of a broken GUN and the safety issues surrounding it. At that point they WILL give you a exchange.  :-*

The OG gangster of the "bling"


Oh I've already talked to a lady about returning it, explained everything that was wrong. She said they would absolutely allow me to exchange it for a "new" one. I'm not really upset about the whole deal, I knew buying it there in the first place was risky. I'm just impatient and had to have one, don't like to order things online unless I can't buy it locally.

It's just that someone, somewhere thought it would be ok to put a very obviously used gun, in a new package and sell it as such. If I wanted it used I could go to airgundepot.com and get one for $35. Also the fact that there is a random middleman, some random person had this gun. Normally that isn't a big deal, if its a known return it would be inspected for any tampering hopefully. The condition the gun is in leads me to believe it was never checked out, between the middle man and the new box. Even if a blind man inspected it, he'd know its not right, he'd feel the gashes in the barrel at least.


Added the pictures, My camera is fairly old so not the best pics. You can still certainly tell this isn't a "new" gun.


That's not a 1377. That's a Crosman pumpmaster PC77. It's almost the same thing, minus the plastic frame and square tab the sear spring sits on.

The OG gangster of the "bling"

quickster47 †

Take it back to WalMart post haste.  They will exchange it and give you a new one.

One 'Quick' question, was it in a blister pack and was that blister pack sealed?


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Interesting, I just thought it lacked the 1337 label on the box. I'm still very much a noob at this. I'm going to assume this gun will still accept all available mods that makes the 1337 so popular? *crosses fingers*


Yeah it was sealed in the blister pack, I always check the edges of those things trying to pry apart a section with my fingernails. Had to locate some scissors to cut it out.

quickster47 †

Quote from: Jimmy_2k9 on February 04, 2011, 01:41:53 PM
Interesting, I just thought it lacked the 1337 label on the box. I'm still very much a noob at this. I'm going to assume this gun will still accept all available mods that makes the 1337 so popular? *crosses fingers*

You bet it will.  Have at it and start working on it if you decide to keep it.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †

arkmaker †

I bought my 1377 at Dick's Sporting Goods. I was looking at the barrel crowns though the package the best I could and then started noticeing little dings on the barrel and tube. I found what looked to be the best one and upon opening that damn clam pack it turned out to be very good.

My 2240 came from PA and had a really nasty ding in the barrel. I plan on going with a longer one so I did not send it back, but my point is that it's a crap shoot no matter where they come from. Thay are mass produced and factory handling accounts for most damage, I suspect.

Edit: But yeah...bring it back!!!!
I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22


First of all Welcome Jimmy. I hate Walmart ! But i would take that back as soon as i could.Then when you get another one check it before you leave.That said the 1377 is a great gun,good luck with it.SHOOT SAFE !!!  :-*
Treat people the way you want to be treated, Life will be so much better !!!


I have a PC77 and it has a better build quality than my 1377. In fact i am using it as a base for my new build. While my PC77 has no "W" on it maybe certain factories mark the Walmart frames with a "W" since they have the extra hole for the safety cover. If that factory produces both frames they may mark some for quick identification.

Just a shot in the dark but i thought i would throw it out there.

"I'm gonna stay young until I die!" - 7 Seconds


Quote from: ChokingVictim on February 04, 2011, 07:01:01 PM
I have a PC77 and it has a better build quality than my 1377. In fact i am using it as a base for my new build. While my PC77 has no "W" on it maybe certain factories mark the Walmart frames with a "W" since they have the extra hole for the safety cover. If that factory produces both frames they may mark some for quick identification.

Just a shot in the dark but i thought i would throw it out there.


I was thinking the same thing...Walmart has VERY BAD ways of dealing with manufacturers.  They tell them, "We'll pay you x.xx dollars per piece, and you will provide YYY pieces per year.  If you can't meet the price and quantity, we'll carry another product."  Most manufacturers will do it, because if they don't they're no longer in the biggest retail store in the world.  How do meet the demand?  They produce a "special model" which is usually sub-standard.  Ruger does this with the 10/22 as well.  I don't like Walmart, and will not shop there.

Sorry for the rant....
Avid rimfire and extreme long range shooter.  Newly re-introduced to airguns, and find it quite interesting to get trigger time in my basement every day.


Just got back from walmart, went to go check out the other guns before I returned mine. Had the guy come over and take the silly plastic locks off the rack so I could check them all out. I looked at all five of the guns they had, every single one has the dings and scratches along the barrel and pump rail. I decided I'd be better off keeping the gun, because at least it shots very accurately, no defects in performance that I've noticed.

If anyone knows of a decent way to clean up the dings and scratches on mine let me know. Also, walmart doesn't seem to carry any sort of air gun oil, I notice my gun is very dry in places that should be lubed up a bit. What other types of oil or lube could I possibly use? I'd assume air gun oil is very very fine and light, I've got some Abu Garcia fishing reel oil but not sure if that would work.