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Cobra Repeater Breech Review

Started by quickster47 †, April 08, 2011, 11:49:15 PM

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quickster47 †

I've now had the new Cobra Repeating Breech for about four days and have been shooting it each day for almost a hour.  And on Thursday I shot it for three hours pretty much non-stop.  The design and implementation of the breech is first rate.  After now going through about 600 pellets I have not had one jam and that is just amazing.

But first let's get this breech mounted.  One of the really 'kool' things about this new breech is the fact that you can changes barrels without having to remove the breech.  Okay, let me say that again.  One of the best things about the new Cobra repeating breech is that you can change barrels without having to remove the breech.  That's right!  To change to a longer or shorter barrel you need only loosen two screws, remove your present barrel, slide the new barrel in place, and tighten those two screws.

The only problem I had was that 'special piece' that holds the barrel and the transfer port would not allow me to even install the barrel initially.  So, to alleviate that problem I disassembled the breech, removed the o-rings and tried again.  Still no go.  Next step was to start removing some material from the bottom which I did by using wet-or-dry sandpaper and lots of elbow grease.  After about an hour and removing 0.003" of material the barrel would slide in perfectly.  Cleaned everything up, installed the o-rings and gave it another go. PERFECT!  Now we can get on with the rest of the installation.

More later...


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †

arkmaker †

Old Quickster is sounding HAPPY  ;D
I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22


Good stuff, but I need more!  ;D I'll be avidly reading your review!  :-*

Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....


does it have pellet limitations?
long short heavy light
in other words do the predators work in it?
closed mouths dont get fed


quickster47 †

On the bottom of the piece you see in the picture in the first post you can see the cutout for the transfer port o-ring.  The transfer port tube slides into the o-ring and bottoms out on a very small lip or rather mine did.  The Cobra repeating breech comes with a piece of poly tube pre cut for the transfer port.  For right now I used what they supplied and believe it or not, it worked perfectly.  Nary a single leak did I have.  And again that is pretty amazing.

One thing I did learn about this breech is to install it with little effort it is best to remove the special block and mount the breech to the tube first.  That is because the breech screw, supplied by Cobra, sort of sits underneath the rear edge of the 'special piece' or now called the transfer port block (TFB).  And if you are not careful you can scar the extrusion on the special piece where the magazine slides into place.  Also if the TFB is in place it is very, very difficult, if not impossible, to get the breech screw installed.

The biggest problem I've encountered thus far now that it is all installed and working, is pellet consumption.  The Cobra repeating breech uses Marauder rifle magazines and it just so happened that I had four more around.  So I would load up 50 pellets and go off shooting.  I mean to tell you, you can go through 50 pellets in nothing flat.

More later...

I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Crosman 1377C - 1399 Stock - Barska 30mm RDS


Looks really good with the shroud.  8) 

Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....

arkmaker †

Wow, like the stubby....did the shroud quiet her down any??
I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22

quickster47 †

Have not finished working with the shroud just yet but I will say right now it is NOT mouse fart quiet.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Hey Carl, wondering how much, if any , weight difference there is.

quickster47 †

Weight difference between say, a Crosman long steel breech and the Cobra repeating breech?  Not sure but I think I have a way to measure the difference.  It might take me a day or two but I will come up with a number.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †

quickster47 †

Overall I am very pleased with my purchase.  Pretty sure mine was one of the first ten out the door and that might explain the initial problem with getting the barrel to mount correctly.

The other thing that sort of bothered me was that they only used 6-32 screws in the breech to secure the barrel.  I mean, other than Crooked Barn, every other breech maker I know of uses 8-32 screws.  By the way, those 6-32 screws were missing in my package.  Another indicator that it might have been rushed out the door before a final QC inspection.

Would I buy another one?  Heck yes, in a heartbeat.  In fact I am going to order another one this weekend in .177 caliber.  I have a new build that is just dying for one of these Cobra repeating breechs.

And as I wrote previously, the biggest drawback is that your pellet consumption is guaranteed to increase.  Trust me on that one as I have first hand experience.


I'm sure you also noticed the Cobra 10" shroud on my gun.  Right now I have not come to a final conclusion on their shroud so will hold off giving a final verdict for another week or so.

I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †

quickster47 †

Quote from: arkmaker on April 09, 2011, 02:21:59 AM
Wow, like the stubby....did the shroud quiet her down any??

Rich, the 5" barrel in one of the pictures did not make it into the final gun build.  I used a 10.1" barrel for the build and with the 10" shroud it is just right.  Some room left in the shroud for further sound treatment.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


do big pellets work with the magazines?
closed mouths dont get fed