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Crosman Language Dictionary

Started by quickster47 †, October 04, 2011, 01:43:01 AM

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quickster47 †

I've been working on this Crosman Language Dictionary for some time and thought it was best to publish it now and then hopefully I'll get some input from other members to add to it.

Crosmania - an excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm for Crosman products.
Crosmaniac - characterized by an uncontrollable enthusiasm for Crosman airguns.
Crosmanese - the convenient use of language or slang by Crosmaniacs.
Crosmanitis â€" a case of untreatable obsession for all things Crosman related.
Crosmanesse - the ability to communicate on a higher level with a Crosmaniac.
Crosmanphilia - an abnormal attraction for Crosmaniacs.
Crosmanholics â€" a case of excessive desire or need for all Crosman airgun stuff.
Crosmanphobia - an exaggerated and illogical fear of Crosmaniacs.
Crosmanstered - being confused by any Crosmaniac.

I think at least two of the above should have disease definitions associated with them because I know that somehow I have been infected with Crosmanphilia and Crosmanitus.  Perhaps some of the Crosman products should come with a warning label with those definitions.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Crosmanbator - one who excessively polishes or rubs his Crosman gun

quickster47 †

Quote from: breakfastchef on October 04, 2011, 05:03:53 AM
Crosmanbator - one who excessively polishes or rubs his Crosman gun

Okay this one will be added in the next release, version 1.1.   ;)


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †



Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....


crosmanitised :   [kuh-ross-man-a-tise-d ] ? verb, -tized, -tiz·ing.

< latin:crux crucis
verb (used with object)
1.to be a target of a crosman
2.to be tramatised or altered by being in the path of a crosman

verb (used without object)
3.targets were crosmanitised and riddled with holes or perferated.

Origin:1924-2011 (at time of this document, or present) ; 
also see :
crosmanitiser (noun),
crosmanitising (adjective)


crosmanifestation : cros-man·i·fes·ta·tion
/cros-mæn... n,

< latin translation =crux crucis si e constituo
noun, verb, adjective
1.an act of crosmanning.
2.the state of being one with a crosmans aim.
3.materialization:.owenership of many a crosman
4.a public demonstration, as many crosman are in use at a local point in space and time


What about the 'Crosmaninator'.  Ka-ross-man-in-a-tor

A fusion of man and airgun sent back in time to destroy the people who keep dropping the prized guns from the production line.

It's a true story....  ;)


The 'Crosmanito'.  Ka-ross-man-ee-toe

Where a rebound comes back to bite you like a pesky mozzy.
Also known as a 'Crosmanarang'.  Ka-ross-man-a-rang (due to it's returning nature.)


Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....

quickster47 †

You guys are great at coming up with these additional definitions.  Some real outside the box thinking that is for sure.  There will definitely be an update real soon now.  Heck, we may even go in to a second printing this year.

Thanks much for all the help.  Keep 'em coming.  Maybe we can hit a total of 25 new definitions by the end of the year.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Crosmanette- [cross-man-et] Spouse or children of a Crosmaniac.  Usually not understanding the Crosmania that has taken hold of said Crosmaniac.
"Thank God for rednecks!"-Tallahassee/Zombieland
