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transporting pistol in the uk

Started by djholly, February 08, 2012, 12:21:16 AM

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im going to be taking my 1377 pistol to dorset from somerset in my car to show my brother the new grips i have recently made for it , i dont have a propper case for it and am planning on putting it into a laptop bag zipped up and the pellets in the glove box ,the gun in bag in the boot , as i said im going to my brothers and not a club , my question is if the police stop me will i be ok , im a little unclear of the laws even though i have checked there seems to be some grey area in this concerning what is a public place ,ive even read the boot of my car is a public place , im confused and probably worried about nothing as i dont usualy get stopped and searched but just wanna be sure as i can be , anyone in england know ? cheers dave


I'd be interested in knowing too, for Scotland.
I know fishing knives MUST be transported in the boot of a car, or it can be said to be readily available for using.
it is ok that we protect animals rights,
But much more important,
We protect our HUMAN rights.....



Really IMHO that sounds OK. Not that that means squat!  :D

Although the pellets in the glovebox may be better to be in another bag in the car, say behind the drivers seat.
Or preferably in a locked money/key box. You don't want it to look like the pellets live there for easy reach.

Do you have a trigger lock? That, if the fuzz did pull you over, may show more responsibility on your part (which is a plus).
Infact an airgun in a lockable case would be even better. The hard plastic piano cases are cheap these days.

People may take notice of you taking it out of your car if it was a rifle/shotgun rapped in a blanket or some other "iffy" stereotype
but if you are seen as just some bloke getting his bag out the boot then that's all they'll think. Just don't do a combat roll....  ;)

Mostly it's just common sense. Perhaps think "if I was the police and pulled someone over what would I deem reckless, dangerous"
versus a sensible chap with an airgun doing all he can to be safe and legal.

Make sure the gun is NOT loaded (which I'm sure you would by default).
Make sure the gun has NO charge/cocked.
Make sure the ammo & gas IS stored seperate to the gun(s).
Do everything you can to act responsibly and not draw attention.

Coppers aren't generally mean unless you treat them that way.
If your honest, even if they did stop you assuming there was no other fault, I doubt they'd go off on one.
They may be interested! But in a positive way...may be!

In the past 50 years there hasn't been one case of anyone in the UK being prosecuted for any airgun offence except when they were
in conjunction with other offences. So a Poacher with a gun in public is a tressapsser with a firearm. He didn't have permission to be in
public with a gun or on private property. Wether his gun is above or below the legal limit is irrelevant FAC or otherwise.

A man shooting at kids in a playground or taking out the local cat population again would be prosecuted for the obvious reasons.

But a man transporting his airgun safely should be fine. BUT if you were say caught speeding or driving recklessly then they may
take into account you also had an airgun in your boot.

Out of sight, out of mind - what the public don't see, they don't know. There's nothing illegal about what your doing.

BTW I transport guns in cars everytime I buy one from a gunshop. The Law says I have to go face to face so that means transporting it.


(Cool vid: http://youtu.be/sCbrCocprE0 I'd love one of these - but I have no use for it!)

Otherwise have a good trip and post some photos of the wood furnture. I think you'll be fine.......
.....but if anything happens - don't blame me, what I think isn't any form of defence!  ;)     


Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....


cheers mate for the reply , yeah when you put it like that it sounds fine , in the last (50 years ,blimey , do you know what that last one was for then ?) i will put a couple of pics on once i can find my blooming leed for the camera to pc , there not as good as some of the blokes on here but im very very pleased with them myself and looking forward to showing them ,Most importantly; DON'T WEAR A GILLIE SUIT WHILST DRIVING! lol that made me laugh  :) :) and suggesting that i dont combat roll getting out the motor , cheers , dave


As far as I am aware; only in conjunction with another offence. None specifically for owning or transporting an airgun.

Hanging out the car window shooting grannies in the butt, yes! But that is a string of offences added up.

Airguns are deemed a grey area but taken into account it is pretty black and white. It's only grey when trying to find a loophole.

Take the UK 12FPE legal power for a rifle/carbine. Really you want to aim for 11-11.5FPE as a max.
You may be able to stay legal with your chosen pellet but it doesn't mean the Law will test it with that pellet.

This varies from county to county. Some tests are done with 3 different weighted pellets.
Some tests are done with the tin of pellets that were confiscated with the gun. Random - not helpful!

A lighter pellet doesn't always mean legal with a heavier one. You can find a mid range weighted pellet is more powerful than either?!

Also regarding the 12FPE thing, part of the reason for this as a legal level of power is that the intended quarry does not require more power
than this to dispatch humanely. So although the US brothers & sisters can and do go for max power it in all reality isn't much more
than a 'Big Willy' contest (for woman I can't use that term or one appropriate!!!).

It's the old "What if" scenario.... assuming you abide the Law you should be fine. If your legal then the law should be on your side?!

One thing, if you are ever done for a firearms offence, even if no time was served, eg; they destroyed the gun and
a fine was payed, then this will go on your record for life and will stop you entering countries like the USA and stop you
from doing many other things too.

I know a guy who was done for armed robbery. He isn't allowed to enter my house as I have airguns - it is a life ban that he
cannot be in the vicinity of any firearms - gas, spring or black powder. I wouldn't say he's a friend as such, I just know him!  :-X

In closing;  I'd like to point out that Airguns were founded in the UK. Cool....   8) Have fun!


Crosman: Western 45, Western Shiloh 1861, 766, *Mk1*, 2250b Crosmods, AS2250XT Quickshot Repeater, 2240 Bling Star,
                1322 Folding Camo Sniper, Bling EB22, 2250b Violin TDR, W-2250, Crosshairs Special 1377SD, 2550 Carbine & still counting...

In progress: BNM BSA 2260 Repeater, SS Subcompact Stubby 22xx, 2 x 600, and .... and ....