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Trust on the forum

Started by Crosshairs, March 01, 2012, 01:15:23 PM

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Quote from: Capt. Thomas on April 15, 2012, 09:39:52 AM
Like Noah and several other mentioned, this is an unusual group but like I mentioned eailer I feel like a big part of it is due to the fact that most of us are older / responsible adults. We don't have many 18 yr old's trading / buying / selling skate board parts & X-Box games on here. We all have a common goal & bond :P

I am fairly new to this group (time wise) but have had many transactions with a lot of the fellas and they have helped me out a lot because I'm active duty, stationed in the middle of no where / deployed in & out of the Box on a moments notice etc. and I return the favor every chance I get and will always do so. If we did have someone show up and start pulling monkey business here, he wouldn't last long  :-* I was wondering
at first why we didn't have "dog house" thread, now I understand.......... not required!

I don't mind basic info being given to a fourm member, specially for a transaction. I mean if I went to a garage sale and haggled a offer to a fellow for a part or gun and we couldn't come together on it, I will always say "Well if you change your mind, here's my number, just give me a call" etc. Same thing here, in fact I have had two fraud charges from my cc being used at a business. I have never had anyone try & pull that on a personal sale of a car, boat, powder burners etc. where it's pretty standard if not mandatory to get a D.L. or state I.D. that has name, address & DOB. A real name & ship to address with a phone number is nothing. Many of the guys here have that if not more on me. Just an example of a few, Noah, NS who does back flips to send me parts from the UK, Crosshairs and others. Yea I feel very trustworthy of our little group  8)

Rad Boards For Life or X-Boxers From Hell........... Uhh, ...no.

Capt. Thomas

Thank you for serving! Hope everything goes well. Do you think there is anyone below 18 here?


i dont trust any of you! :P
you all make me spend my money ;)
how can i trust anyone that makes me spend by using purdy guns in pics, talking about the power i can get out of a gun
heck yesterday i made a guy leave his kids birthday party to go buy a gun.how can you trust a guy like that?well it was his wife that made him leave the party to buy the gun, truth be told
bad influences i tell you bad! all of you :o
i now have more money into my 2289 than my ruger 10 22 because of the forum trust
bad!! you all are bad!
all except everything i just said ;D ;D ;D ;D
closed mouths dont get fed


i've been using the forums (mainly motorcycle) for probably 11-13 years, bought and sold a ton of stuff...never been burned..


I just found this thread. We all need to read this. This is what makes this forum GREAT, the members! We, you, is the reason this forum is still here. Thank me and thank you for being here. And thank Brutuz for putting up with all of us.
We need to keep going and have fun doing it.


I have to agree that the members here are great. I've been able to glean a lot of info from many of the threads.

The "trust factor" reminds me of my benchrest days. It was not uncommon for us to send ammo, parts, and even rifles to another competitor before receiving the money. Advice was always free. Of course some of that was worth what one paid for it, but, just like here,  there was also a tremendous amount of good advice that saved someone a bunch of time, aggravation, and money. I don't think anyone here has steered me in a wrong direction. That trust factor is priceless.

I'd like to echo Duck and say thanks to everyone :-* :-*.......even though it has sometimes cost me money to save money.


I know I'm the new guy here, but so far this place has been great.  I had two terrific transactions already in a very short time and wouldn't hesitate doing it again!


I think airgunners are a tight nit group of people with the same interests. Now there are people that scam and take advantage of our trust but they are far and few between. I did get burned by a forum member here but he/she hasn't posted since the rip off. The bad thing is we had several good transactions before it happened. Other than that very good experiences. This is imho the best group of people I've been around followed by GTA but the other crosman forums are great, too. Got a lot of help on the new crosman forum aka the green forum.
Keep up the good energy
closed mouths dont get fed


I haven't read this one all the way thru so I'm not in the know of everyone's thoughts.  Here's mine:
This forum has become family to me.  I have met a few very good friends here, it's not just the friends but family as a whole I trust in.  The generosity of some members is overwhelming.  My pockets are very shallow, I wish it were different but with the generosity of others most of my builds wouldn't exist.
I still owe one friend a small amount, I haven't been badger ed or ridiculed over this debt.  My gratitude can't be shown enough, this small debt is being taken care of.
I believe that with the smaller gathering of ordinary folks with a common interest, or passion, gives more trust and faith in one another.

Nuts about airguns and just nuts in general...but I'm medicated.


I like to think most people are good. I really dislike selling stuff and if it is something I don't use and it helps someone else out I cheerfully give it away. If someone else helps me out ,great, I don't expect it though. And my forum name, you guessed it, it is my real name.


It's like a fine wine, it gets better with age. :-*
We need to keep going and have fun doing it.


I have to agree, that I trust anyone I deal with on this forum.  I've never had a negative experience interacting with CAPOF members, either on the forum or in buying/selling parts.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the GTA or the Yellow.



Quote from: JMJinNC on January 21, 2016, 03:56:13 PM
I have to agree, that I trust anyone I deal with on this forum.  I've never had a negative experience interacting with CAPOF members, either on the forum or in buying/selling parts.

Quote from: airriflenut on January 21, 2016, 12:13:26 AM
I have met a few very good friends here, it's not just the friends but family as a whole I trust in.  The generosity of some members is overwhelming. I believe that with the smaller gathering of ordinary folks with a common interest, or passion, gives more trust and faith in one another.

Very true. I have purchased LOTS of stuff from peeps on this forum and never had a single problem. As a matter of fact, it is so routine to assume everything will be fine that I don't even think about or consider a problem developing at the time of ordering. Too easy.

On a side note, I bought some goodies from Quickster and they arrived today, 5000+ miles away in just TWO days for only $7.85 shipping cost!!!
"Money is like fertilizer: When it's hoarded, it stinks. When spread around, cool stuff grows." John Densmore, drummer of The Doors

Crosman 1377, 1322, 1325, 1750, 2250 and 2540, Benjamin Steroid 392, IB QB78D, Avanti/Daisy 853, Slavia 634.


Havnt read through all the replies but i can tell you i honestly trust a few members here and on other forums. Character will be obvious even through the internet filter. I think most of it is because we are all into the same hobbies. Shooting, tinkering, good music and rc stuff! It just works.
i wasnt born with enough middle fingers. Marolyn manson.


We all have OCD OBSESSIVE CROSMAN DISORDER. How can you not trust with OCD
closed mouths dont get fed