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Trust on the forum

Started by Crosshairs, March 01, 2012, 01:15:23 PM

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asset smith

as a newbie myself i can say i have been amazed at the amount of good will and brotherhood i have seen in the time i have been on this forum. this is the first forum i have ever used.(i'm not into computer stuff) so i have no refference. but some of you already seem like old friends. i can see in the threads i read that you all trust each other and if i value your opinions on all things crosman surely i value your opinions on character. i hope to EARN the trust of all of you in the future. and thank you all for letting me be a part of this great community!
"The dirty dozen for the price of one."


I think we all trust each other so much because this is a very unusual forum. On some other forums, guys will be unkind or say unflattering things to each other, not all the time, but I have seen it before. On here, we are all nice, we give each other advice, and we help each other. This is one of the nicest groups of people on a forum I have ever seen. And lastly, WE ALL LOVE AIRGUNS!
***Crosman 1377***Crosman 2400kt***.......***Crosman 2200 magnum***.......***Crosman Phantom***.......***Crosman 1077***.......***Gamo Shadow Express***.......***An Old Chinese gun (I dont know the model)***.


I have trust here. But I still am not comfortable giving my name, address, zip, personal e-mail etc.
Not to offend anyone. But I prefer to now them in person before giving my main contact info.Again no offence intended.


Quote from: Colt25 on April 13, 2012, 10:27:43 PM
I have trust here. But I still am not comfortable giving my name, address, zip, personal e-mail etc.
Not to offend anyone. But I prefer to now them in person before giving my main contact info.Again no offence intended.

I absolutely agree Colt25, not to make anyone feel bad. I have almost complete trust, but dont want people knowing anything to personal about me.
***Crosman 1377***Crosman 2400kt***.......***Crosman 2200 magnum***.......***Crosman Phantom***.......***Crosman 1077***.......***Gamo Shadow Express***.......***An Old Chinese gun (I dont know the model)***.


Quote from: Colt25 on April 13, 2012, 10:27:43 PMBut I still am not comfortable giving my name, address, zip, personal e-mail etc.
Not to offend anyone. But I prefer to now them in person before giving my main contact info.Again no offence intended.

That, in essence, is the underlying factor that brings out the trust in us on a forum. Like confessing at church. You don't need or expect to ever see them face to face so you can open up quite easily without fear of "standing tall before the man"... Look at me - even though I'm right hear, in reality I'm so far away that many of you wouldn't even realize just how far... On any forum, I am only as far as the keyboard. Why,, I hardly even have to move a muscle and I'm right there with you all...

The very best part of the bargain is that you are with people who share a common interest. You can learn from each other, teach each other, and share all sorts of little trinkets of information with each other, usually without being looked down upon...

Isn't it great fun...!!!


im not scared if i was i would go to church!!!
seriously though the yellow forum has a boi,board of inquiry,most people are on there.i sold my 2250b there a guy with a bad rep said he would pay me twice what it was worth.i sold it to the guy who had the good rep
closed mouths dont get fed


Well I know you guys don't know me well yet but I've sure trusted your advice in regards to my 2240 mod.  Many of you were a big help.  I'm just here for good advice, tricks of the trade, those great pics I know we all love and good stories.  I've tried to tone it down since I'm new but that likely won't last.   ;D  I'll soon be asking more advice for some upcoming work....with funds a little tight I'll be holding off on that new trigger mod and the upgrades to my safety and bolt.   I'm well aware that trust is earned.....


I understand you completely Colt25 but soon you will need something from one of us and will have to give in, i felt the same way when i first joined the forum as i trust no one but as i said before some members here are like Brothers to me and i never even met them. Capt Thomas said something i agree with because most of are old farts we have no reason to rip someone off we all seen just about any bad thing people can do to each other and will not take part it anything like that. I have a brother 7 years younger then me i love him very much but dont trust him sad but true.
                                                                  Mike  8)
Treat people the way you want to be treated, Life will be so much better !!!


I have a small circle of trust with people I know and can see in person. My trust on this forum is much larger.


this reiminds me of the "Fockers" cant remember all the movie titles
closed mouths dont get fed


I am on a couple of specialty pistol forums (Contenders) and there is the same kind of trust there.  It is unusual these days.


This may have been mentioned before, but the trust factor is huge here yet let's face it: I have not met ANY of you and have no clue what anybody even looks like!

Thanks again all!
"Money is like fertilizer: When it's hoarded, it stinks. When spread around, cool stuff grows." John Densmore, drummer of The Doors

Crosman 1377, 1322, 1325, 1750, 2250 and 2540, Benjamin Steroid 392, IB QB78D, Avanti/Daisy 853, Slavia 634.

Capt. Thomas

Like Noah and several other mentioned, this is an unusual group but like I mentioned eailer I feel like a big part of it is due to the fact that most of us are older / responsible adults. We don't have many 18 yr old's trading / buying / selling skate board parts & X-Box games on here. We all have a common goal & bond :P

I am fairly new to this group (time wise) but have had many transactions with a lot of the fellas and they have helped me out a lot because I'm active duty, stationed in the middle of no where / deployed in & out of the Box on a moments notice etc. and I return the favor every chance I get and will always do so. If we did have someone show up and start pulling monkey business here, he wouldn't last long  :-* I was wondering
at first why we didn't have "dog house" thread, now I understand.......... not required!

I don't mind basic info being given to a fourm member, specially for a transaction. I mean if I went to a garage sale and haggled a offer to a fellow for a part or gun and we couldn't come together on it, I will always say "Well if you change your mind, here's my number, just give me a call" etc. Same thing here, in fact I have had two fraud charges from my cc being used at a business. I have never had anyone try & pull that on a personal sale of a car, boat, powder burners etc. where it's pretty standard if not mandatory to get a D.L. or state I.D. that has name, address & DOB. A real name & ship to address with a phone number is nothing. Many of the guys here have that if not more on me. Just an example of a few, Noah, NS who does back flips to send me parts from the UK, Crosshairs and others. Yea I feel very trustworthy of our little group  8)

Rad Boards For Life or X-Boxers From Hell........... Uhh, ...no.

Capt. Thomas
My prayer to God is a very short one: 'Oh, Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' God has granted it. - Voltaire
Capt. James Thomas


i'd like to think most people are as honest as me.....but, that isn't true....if i'm going to buy something from someone....i do it....same with selling....my username is the same on multiple forums.....so people can see i'm not "hidding"..... :-*


Quote from: ignantmike on April 15, 2012, 01:11:07 PM
i'd like to think most people are as honest as me.....but, that isn't true....if i'm going to buy something from someone....i do it....same with selling....my username is the same on multiple forums.....so people can see i'm not "hidding"..... :-*
X1 same here. As you all can read in my profile something my Dad always said and now i tell my Daughters the same thing. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Treat people the way you want to be treated, Life will be so much better !!!