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Promoting this board on youtube

Started by Brutuz, February 08, 2010, 05:13:20 PM

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Hey, thank you Brutuz.
That looks great  :D :D


Glad you like it Ed  8)

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkQQe-PazDE#normal]Crosman air pistol owners forum - EddieKneejerk[/url]
My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


Thanks T, you've made a great series of pics  8)

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gchURyfR2fY#normal]Crosman air pistol owners forum - T191032[/url]
My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


Thanks Garry, great pics and vid you've submitted  :)

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP-dfyuxnOI#]Crosman air pistol owners forum - Garrob[/url]
My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


Excellent video garrobb of your 2250B and QB RIM. Thanks!


thanks     i did take the pics and the vid,  downloaded them on my laptop.   but a huge thanks goes to BERT  hes the one who taught me how to shrink pics for the forum and how to send them to him so HE could do the technical stuff with youtube 8)    and man that turned out great.   maybe another on soon on the new range and some shooting, still wished i had a crony.

dj   your pm box is full so i couldnt send you a reply today.   hmmm mine holds 100 pm's   but i wanted you to see the   rim    i know it a little expencive but oh so well worth it.
you dont know your addicted until its too late!


Garrobb, my pm capacity has been increased, fire away when ready!


See Garry...I told ya you'd like the RIM ;)  you can really go through the pellets huh??  And - nice pix/video you seem to be catching right on to the whole video thing...COOL BEANS !! I see you have enough space for some distance shooting ..nice! 

AA S410,FAC,.22,Carbine- 1740,10", "hot" valve-BIG FUN !-.177 TalonSS in BLUE
"HEY !! This gettin' old thing is NOT for sissies !"  -Packrat, Georgia, USA.


thanks packrat.    i knew i wouldnt have the patience for fiddling with the pellet.  i want to do things now,  i could see the trouble in loading the pellet.   if i didnt get the rim in the begining i probably wouldnt shoot the gun until i did,   so a big thanks to you for the suggestion and website.   i cant say enough good about it and jay.

i think my land is 150ft wide and 300 deep, my wifes dad built the house and after they passed it became ours,  and i am very blessed and humble with what i have.

you know enough about me as to where the praise goes  BRUTUZ and NATE their the ones who have it going on. 8) 8)
you dont know your addicted until its too late!


Thanks for submitting your pics T  :)

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXaA36lY4hM#normal]Crosman air pistol owners forum - T191032 Crosman 2300 Custom[/url]
My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


"Thanks for submitting your pics T"

You're welcome.  Thanks again to everyone for the inspiration to buy a Crosman Custom Shop.
It ain't like it used to be but, eh, it's do.


How do I get youtube videos on here? :(


My Crosman pistols / My non-crosman collection /
I am also active on the UK Chinese Airgun Forum & sometimes on the GTA as well


Hey Bert.
sorry about the delayed response.

I haven't had much time to frequent the forum, but please feel free to use any one of my 2289g and 1377c polished crosman air gun pictures to put in a new youtube video to promote the site.   8)

The OG gangster of the "bling"


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Keep up the good stuff!
