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Another Source For Steel Breeches - Quackenbush

Started by breakfastchef, May 21, 2012, 06:51:19 PM

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Found this quite by accident...http://www.quackenbushairguns.com/CrosmanPistolItems.htm

They make short steel breeches when enough orders are placed to warrant the purchase of 500 lbs. of steel. One with dovetails; the other to accomoadate the stock sight.


Oooh :( that editorial content on his page is old, old, old. I can remember reading it about two years ago and I think it was dated even then.

It's ok though,  ;) there are many other breeches available and for less money, the QB breeches are nothing special, I know, I had one. 8)


Quote from: BDS on May 21, 2012, 09:04:48 PM
Oooh :( that editorial content on his page is old, old, old. I can remember reading it about two years ago and I think it was dated even then.

It's ok though,  ;) there are many other breeches available and for less money, the QB breeches are nothing special, I know, I had one. 8)
a few others need to update their pages .........
TOO many freaks and NOT enough circuses


Quote from: eric on May 22, 2012, 05:36:56 PM
a few others need to update their pages .........

If i thought they would take me up on it, there are a few airgun shops out there who i would happily redo their websites for free.  Nothing fancy, but a clean, simple layout that would be easy for them to update and easy for the public to interact. 
Crosman: 1377carbine / Beeman: Tempest / Benjamin: P-Rod, 310 & 342 / Sheridan: Blue Streak & Blue Streak Steroid (both rockers) / AA TX200HC


that would make some happy,as well as the suppliers .
TOO many freaks and NOT enough circuses


Quote from: slothart on May 22, 2012, 08:07:17 PM
If i thought they would take me up on it, there are a few airgun shops out there who i would happily redo their websites for free.  Nothing fancy, but a clean, simple layout that would be easy for them to update and easy for the public to interact.

Holy smokes :D With the beauty and ease of use of most of these sites (  ;) ) you will be a busy man!

And just a "few"? My latest look at the DQB site and quite a few others well..."stale info and pics" would be an understatement ;)

I always have to laugh  ;D when I click on an update link and it shows up with a heading like.. "November 2007, Not taking any more orders till Spring"! Really? How about not taking any more orders at all?  ;D


Mac1 and Quackenbush would be my first two choices  :)
Crosman: 1377carbine / Beeman: Tempest / Benjamin: P-Rod, 310 & 342 / Sheridan: Blue Streak & Blue Streak Steroid (both rockers) / AA TX200HC


Quote from: slothart on May 22, 2012, 09:55:08 PM
Mac1 and Quackenbush would be my first two choices  :)

Ditto to that, Mac1 site? Written in DOS format or what!?  ;D