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2240/50 valve max psi

Started by john d, July 07, 2012, 01:37:46 AM

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john d

Does anybody know what  the max PSI a 2240/50 valve will take safely , ?


for what --- co2 or other ....
TOO many freaks and NOT enough circuses


      With Eric, will be easier knowing what your using CO2, Air? CO2 is simple, up to 1800-1900 PSI is in the safe range, as CO2 can reach these pressure levels at 110 degrees and a bit lower, but with the heat of late, I actually had a CO2 gun valve lock.granted it has a very soft hammer spring to help stretch out the number of shots, but dang. Once it cooled was shooting fine.


john d

Well as i have so many bits to choose from thinking of doing one of each = co2 and  Air sowhat mods do i need to do to  the (( valve  - breech - tps )) Etc and what is the max Ftlbs i can expect to get from  these  mods cus as said looking for a  Rabbit kill at 40 YDS?


    OK, let's go at this from another angle. How much does your average rabbit weigh? Well according to Wikipedia from about 1/2 lb .4 kg to 40lbs or 20 kg. I don't think I have even seen even a domesticated rabbit that weighed in at 40 pounds, but I digress. So if we use the humane formula of 1ftlb of energy for each pound of weight for humane taking of game, then you need to calculate how much power yu need at 40 yards. So lets say your average rabbit is 5-10 pounds in your geographical area. If this is the case you need no less than 10-12 ftlb's of energy at 40 yards for humane taking of these rabbits. Additionally shot placement is of the utmost importance.  So at this point Chairgun is your friend, I have a rifle that will produce 21ftlb's at the muzzle with a 14.3gr CPHP. Thus a quick check with Chairgun shows at 40 yards I still have 12.895ftlb's, so a well placed shot would indeed take a 10 pound rabbit at 40 yards,a s long as I do my part, and hit the target in the proper place. Does this help any? If building for use with air, either PCP style, or bottle gun, I would aim for the 20 ftlb area to take rabbit size game at 40 yards, then find the most accurate round nose, or hollow point pellet in my gun, and practice until I could hit a nickle size group at 40 yards all day. Then you have a bunny thumper.


john d

with these 2240 /50 series turning into carbine 16" barrel  what would be the best  FTLBS i could get out of one of these ,??  (( carnt find anything anywhere about max Ftlbs from these guns,,))
Or would it be more economical to buy a rifle ? BUT need a small/short gun,,,


i had a CCS(stock) with a 14 inch barrel pushing a 14.3 crosman hollow point at 550 or so (9+ fpe) so that is a base ---- you want or need more buy a boss valve or mod your valve like a boss valve .bulk fill with a tank and get better consistany with #s and accuracy
TOO many freaks and NOT enough circuses

john d

 Recall  part of what ( rualert ) said  need 20+ ftlbs,,,
what can you expect to  get out of these if you take say 2000 + Psi straight into valve  not using the tube, instead of 850psi in the tube,
1 -   would the valve take 2000 +Psi straight into it,,??
2 -   would lengthining the valve stem 3mm  make much difference  where the hammer hits ,,
3 - what is the MAX size can you open the transfur port upto,?,,


i charged my disco up to 2000psi  with only one valve mounting screw 8-32 ss before the valve reached 2k it blew out the gun!!!
closed mouths dont get fed


The best I have gotten out of CO2 is 16fpe using CPHP 14.3 pellets and a 24" barrel. If I was using a 12 gram cartridge I would get less than 12 good shots.  The stock 22xx series tube without valve pinning and a valve extension to keep the pressure in front of the roll stamping CAN NOT hold 2000psi.  The CCS air tubes are laser etched so no valve extension would be need but you still must pin the valve with 3, 8-32" screws to retain the valve!
If more fpe is needed then a HPA build is in order and I would use a complete Disco air tube for the build with 3 screws!  Rick @ Precision Pellets sells allen head valve screws that fit perfectly in the valve mounting holes. I believe one can get a Disco air tube cut and threaded @ Brian & Ass.

If it's not broken then modify it!


     Agreed with the above statements, please do not attempt to fill a standard 22xx series tube to 2K PSI. If you want to push that far, buy a Discovery tube, and either have it cut down to the length you want, or pick up a 24" barrel so it won't look quite so out of sorts.  :) I did not check to see, but if you happen to be in the UK, you have a limit of 12ftlb's regardless with a rifle, or carbine. So if that may happen to be the case, then you need to fall back on precision, build an 11ftlb rifle/carbine, and practice with the most accurate pellet you can get your hands on, and take precise shots on your game. The UK crowd have been taking everything from mice to rabbits for years with sub 12ftlb guns. I know what the general rule is, but if you have any legal requirement to stay within a specific limit, you can use less, just be more precise, and also improve your stalking skills. I do hunt, and have done so with all forms of weapons, from air guns, to handguns, and rifles. Now when handgun hunting with limited range, you work very hard on your stalking skills, and make the first shot count. On my hunting handgun I only have 1 shot, so it must count. Just like the air gun world for the most part, the vast majority of the airguns we hunt with are single shot, so practice, a lot. I have also found that shooting form a cold barrel both on my air guns, and powder burners for those single shots, and dial your sights, or scope dead on to that first shot, will greatly improve your success rate. Think about it, how many times have you taken out say your good old 22 lr rifle, and the first shot is a little high and maybe left, but from shot 2 on they all go right where you aim? Same thing with a cold airgun barrel, if I'm hunting with it, I dial it in for the first shot, then let it cool before I take the next to ensure I have my cold zero. The alternative is to use mildots if your scope has them, mine does, but we are generally on the adrenaline, and forget, so I just adjust for first shot.

Hope I didn't muddy the waters too much, let me know what else I can help confuse you on....   :D

Oh yeah, you can build a sub 12ftlb bottle fed gun for use in the UK with a good old paintball bottle! They are regulated to 850PSI output, and will provide tons of shots per fill if you are leaning in that direction.
