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red dot

Started by ham484, July 24, 2012, 08:31:29 PM

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Im looking to put a red dot on my other gun, i dont know what to look for  as far brand name,accuracy,and MAO and what ever else i am leaving out.

I see most come with the weaver type mount but i have a 3/8 dove tail. I guess i need a adapter but i dont even know what mount to look for.

So with that being said please throw some links,prices,model numbers and your great thoughts my way.
I am not trying to spend a arm and two legs on a red dot either :-*


depending on the red dot you get there are replacement rings so you wont need an adapter or there are red dots that come with a 3/8-11mm dovetail base
im using a tasco pdp3 red dot on my gun.i like it a lot in this pic its using an adapter but when i remount it  30mm med height rings will replace the adapter
the dot is 5moa iirc a little large when shooting indoors with less light,out in the daylight the dot is pin-point perfect for pesting target shooting and the parallax error is very little
closed mouths dont get fed


i thought that was called a reflex dot ???


closed mouths dont get fed


im backwards. some sites still list them as being red dots


BSA makes one with a 4 (or 5) MOA dot size that comes with a 3/8 and 5/8" mount.  The 3/8" works great on an 11mm rail.   I have one on my 2240 now.  It's not a great sight but it's decent and has held position pretty well for me on two different airguns now.  I bought it locally for $35 but Pyramyd (and probably everyone else has them): http://www.pyramydair.com/s/a/BSA_30mm_Red_Dot_Sight_3_8_and_Weaver_Mount/2944

Our Walmart was closing out their scopes and I grabbed a Tasco Red Dot on clearance for $25 but it required an 11mm to Weaver adaptor.  I used this one, which I already had: http://www.pyramydair.com/s/a/UTG_11mm_to_Weaver_Adapter_Vertical_Scope_Stop_Pin/2401  I have it on my IZH-61.   I like it because it has a slightly less fuzzy dot but I don't know yet how well it will hold its position.  I've only had it a couple weeks.  http://www.amazon.com/Tasco-30mm-Rifle-Scope-Reticle/dp/B000GF1HKQ  For only $25 I may go back and grab another.

The BSA that includes 3/8" mounts




Quote from: ham484 on July 24, 2012, 09:51:02 PM
was looking at this one it has 2.5 MOA is that good :o
Yes, a 2.5 MOA dot size will cover less of the target than the larger 4 or 5 MOA dots on the cheaper sights I posted.    I'm not familiar with the sight you linked to but look for online reviews--it might be a winner.

My main complaint with the sights I have is that the dot size is too large for really accurate target shooting--like 5 to 10 yard paper targets where the bullseye may be around 1/4" to 3/8" in diameter.  The dots on mine totaly cover the bullseye and then some.

The $10 adaptor I linked to earlier would probably work with the sight you linked to.  I'm very happy with the adaptor--it's very solid.  Here's a shot of it on my IZH-61:


Quote from: jdub on July 24, 2012, 10:03:33 PM
Yes, a 2.5 MOA dot size will cover less of the target than the larger 4 or 5 MOA dots on the cheaper sights I posted.    I'm not familiar with the sight you linked to but look for online reviews--it might be a winner.

My main complaint with the sights I have is that the dot size is too large for really accurate target shooting--like 5 to 10 yard paper targets where the bullseye may be around 1/4" to 3/8" in diameter.  The dots on mine totaly cover the bullseye and then some.

The $10 adaptor I linked to earlier would probably work with the sight you linked to.  I'm very happy with the adaptor--it's very solid.  Here's a shot of it on my IZH-61:

like jdub said check everywhere you can for reviews
i recently sold that same tasco red dot with adapter here i think for $20.nothing wrong with the tasco it was very accurate and could take bumps
i sold it because i dont like rd30 red dots by any brand imo to much objective.with the tasco pdp3 its a 25mm objective and imo less parallax error
2.5moa is going to be like a pinpoint dot which is good for shooting 25yds or more.the rd30's cover the target at 25yds with a 5moa dot
we had a thread here not long ago someone got a red dot and has been happy with it
ill see if i can find the thread
closed mouths dont get fed


Quote from: 1377x on July 24, 2012, 10:35:41 PM
with the tasco pdp3 its a 25mm objective and imo less parallax error
I'll have to keep an eye out for the sight you're talking about.  Up to this point I haven't been serious at all about Red Dots.  I use iron sights on my good target pistols and will probably continue to do so. 

I bought the BSA because it was cheap and I wanted to try one on my Benji 392.  It worked well for plinking.  I put it on the 2240 because for some reason I usually end up moving the stock plastic Crosman sights all the way to left to get my windage set.  It happened on this 2240 and on two 1377s I've had.  Must be me but regardless I still end up with the sight hanging half off the barrel on the left side :-)  Since the 2240 is for plinking I figured the BSA would be fine.

I grabbed the Tasco because it was cheap and I wanted something for my IZH-61 until I accumulate a few more bucks for a nice scope.  It works okay but the sight is less accurate than the rifle is--never a good thing.  I'll probably grab another Bugbuster for this one.

I really would like to try a very high quality, smaller dot size, red dot sight at some point to see if it would be worth spending more.  I just don't know anyone around here who has one.

Thanks yet again for the info!


Red dot sights come in two basic flavors: tube-style and reflex. I own both types and like them with the nudge going to the reflex-style as my favorite. They are fine for target shooting, plinking and small vermin eradication. They are not as precise as scopes. I am not overly comfortable using scopes on pistols, so I choose more often to use a red dot. Red dots provide a wide range of view, both eyes can be open for quick target acquisition, brightness and style of the dot adjusted for varing environmental conditions, and holdover is easier than using open sights.

The finest red dot holographic sights cost in excess of $400.


I use both scopes and red dots on my pistols for target shooting, but I favor the red dots, and I prefer Tasco over BSA. RC


I bought a couple of these. They come from China so it takes a while but for the price they're solid.

11mm to Weaver



I have both the BSA and the Tasco dot sights. They are both great sights for the money but I slightly prefer the Tasco over the BSA like RC.
