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Started by BDS, September 24, 2012, 05:18:22 PM

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To supplement the CO2 101 above, when the cart is punctured by the valve stem pin (caused by the action of the hammer hitting the valve stem and pushing the pin into the cart), the valve and cart become a sealed system. When you pull the trigger, the hammer bumps the valve stem, and it opens enough to allow gas to escape into the barrel. The internal valve spring and CO2 pushing into the valve from the cart provide the pressure needed to close the valve stem, stop the flow of CO2 to the barrel and allow the system (valve and cart) reach equilibrium, or re-pressurize.



Thanks again guys.  I've got a much better understanding of what is going on inside the gun.  Never thought of it as being a sealed system (cart/valve).  Makes more sense to me now.
West Michigan
Crosman Nitro Venom .22
Crosman 760 - 782 - 1077
Sheridan S S - H - E9
Benjamin NP pistol - Disco - Prod
MIC B1 .177
2300S - 2300T - 2400kt
1740 - 2240 - 2250 - 1760 - 2260 - 1701P
1322 - 1377


Quote from: BillK on August 14, 2013, 07:28:30 PM
Thanks again guys.  I've got a much better understanding of what is going on inside the gun.  Never thought of it as being a sealed system (cart/valve).  Makes more sense to me now.

Me neither, thanks for the explanation Chef.

NW Chicago suburbs


Got my 1377 today glad I only bought it for the stock the rest will be parts more than likely.It has a 2 screw grip frame and the plastic breech was cut threw to slot the breech screw.The stock is kind of loose but I may be able to shim it to tighten it up,or see if I can get one of our fine machinists to make me a new stock adapter. It's the nature of the beast it is used.:(

Modded 1377
Modded 2240
Modded 1322
1750 HPA pistol
Stock 2260(for now)
.22 Gen.2 Marauder
CCS 2300
Custom 1740
38 T


Bill K... and another thing, 12 gr co2 carts were invented by Crosman. Over about 45 years time, they perfected (mostly) the pickled & annealed steel sheet that they make these carts from. Why does this matter? Well, you will see ads on the Yellow and Green and AA Classifieds for other carts with "no name". The sellers will go to great lengths to assure you that they are A-1 super-dooper and even better than Crosman carts. Uh huh, and Zirconium stones are better than diamonds too.

Crosman controls the length of the cart and the hardness or lack of, in the steel used for the piercing caps. That allows the cart to be more easily pierced by the hardened pin that strikes it or compresses through it in you co2 guns. This gets more important in the pistols that use leverage or a screw compressor to pierce the cap, it's not as critical but still important in a 2240 type gun that strikes the cap. The pickeling process makes for bright steel surfaces inside the cart, ie no rust or foreign crud.

So when you see a post or visit a forum where some poor soul is complaining about carts being stuck in the gun or, not getting a good clean piercing and gas flow, you can usually chalk-it up to bad carts and many times, a lack of Pellgunoil on the tip of the cart every other time you insert a new one. And don't even get me going on the Pellgunoil recipe posts, Pellgunoil IS NOT ATF or some other automotive oil, it is what works and it's cheap insurance, I buy one about every two months and have 3 or 4 in the tool box all the time, and I shoot a lot. So, IMO don't get hooked into those posts that "made 10 gallons of substitute oil for $6". Use the good stuff and so what if Crosman makes 50% margin on it, it takes a lot of $4 tubes to make that 50% impress anyone in accounting at Crosman.  :-*


I dunno what it scientifically means (I really don't) but Crosman's Pellgun Oil MSDS reads "Monolec GFS SAE 30 Engine Oil" at the top...Google shows lots of on going discussions on various forums; don't need to rehash all that here but I thought it was interesting (news to me, this morning):
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." -Twain


Quote from: AaronMB on August 15, 2013, 03:45:37 PM
I dunno what it scientifically means (I really don't) but Crosman's Pellgun Oil MSDS reads "Monolec GFS SAE 30 Engine Oil" at the top...Google shows lots of on going discussions on various forums; don't need to rehash all that here but I thought it was interesting (news to me, this morning):

I guess that is why many airgunners recommend SAE 30W motor oil as a substitute.


Grinnin' today fellas!

I rcvd the two Pellcans from Canada this morning, the smallest and the largest ones in black color.

I have one more inbound from here in the USA. Both orders were placed the same night.  That tells me the Canadian dudes are on the ball! I'm thinking of getting some more while I still can.
Long days and pleasant nights to you...


Quote from: chongman on August 15, 2013, 09:21:18 PM
Grinnin' today fellas!

I rcvd the two Pellcans from Canada this morning, the smallest and the largest ones in black color.

I have one more inbound from here in the USA. Both orders were placed the same night.  That tells me the Canadian dudes are on the ball! I'm thinking of getting some more while I still can.

Aren't they terrific? The attention to detail is excellent as is the supporting information and packaging.


what do the pellcans do? i take it they hold pellets. i guess the real question is
what is the advantage of having them?
closed mouths dont get fed


Hey ED, I think they are just a "bichin" way to hold pellets, way overkill as a pellet can but, a piece o' art with the alum machining, and anodize colors and o-ring constrution etc.

The guy who made e'm was in Oregon IIRC, his market was mostly the 10 meter "pros" and afficionados of art-work IMO. Hardly a biz model that sustains a product (maybe 200 customers worldwide?)


Ya, a piece of air gun art that will go down in history seeing they are not being made anymore.

They are also good for carrying a bunch of pills in your pocket (I take 21 of them in the morning).
Long days and pleasant nights to you...


hopefully a bdf riser breech :P ;D ;D ;D
i think everyone wants one in their truck ;)
closed mouths dont get fed


Hell, I'd have one!  But I still want a Pez pellet dispenser with a squirrel head on top.   :-\
Silence is golden. Duct Tape is silver. Gravy is brown.

2400KT bulk fed repeater .22
2260 .22 w/ steel breech
2250XE .22
Benjamin Discovery .22
Benjamin Marauder .25
Crosman 1077 WOOD .177
Crosman 1077 BLACK .177
Benjamin NP Trail .177
Crosman 2240 Camo .22
Crosman 2240 polished .22
Crosman 2300KT .22
Dan Wesson 8" .177
Crosman Vigilante .177
Hatsan A44PA .25
Hatsan A44W .25
Sheridan 2260
Benjamin Trail NP XL .25
Benjamin Titan NP .22
Benjamin Marauder Pistol .22
Benjamin 392 .22
Sheridan C9 PB 50th Anniversary .20
Crosman 1701-P .177


Quote from: Davio on August 17, 2013, 04:01:37 AM
Hell, I'd have one!  But I still want a Pez pellet dispenser with a squirrel head on top.   :-\
Ahh. sounds like something new to come out of the shop.
"I've lost what's left of my right mind"