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What work did you just do?

Started by Fronzdan, October 27, 2012, 04:25:40 PM

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The stock and grips weigh less than 1 lb.
The stock is bonded together with 5 min epoxy and the grips are separate.
The sides of the stock go on the frame on each side and there is a hole in the sides that go over the hole in the handle and fits in snug so there is no play and the grips just bolt on top.
The grips move around a bit, so have to put a dab of silicone to keep them from moving, because underside is so smooth. I have no one to downsize a picture right now, so have to wait for help before I can post more pictures.

Another idea I came up with to carry oil, pellets and co2 was get a shop gun amo sleeve at Wally World, use 2 for co2, one for oil and 2 for pellets.
I cut the top off  the old co2 and use a rubber plug and fill it with pellets, so have everything with me on the stock.
I will post pictures when I have them down sized or I can send them to any one that will help, but I would need your email to send from my iPad.


quickster47 †

Quote from: Seatec on July 02, 2016, 06:09:45 PM
The stock and grips weigh less than 1 lb.
The stock is bonded together with 5 min epoxy and the grips are separate.
The sides of the stock go on the frame on each side and there is a hole in the sides that go over the hole in the handle and fits in snug so there is no play and the grips just bolt on top.
The grips move around a bit, so have to put a dab of silicone to keep them from moving, because underside is so smooth. I have no one to downsize a picture right now, so have to wait for help before I can post more pictures.

Another idea I came up with to carry oil, pellets and co2 was get a shop gun amo sleeve at Wally World, use 2 for co2, one for oil and 2 for pellets.
I cut the top off  the old co2 and use a rubber plug and fill it with pellets, so have everything with me on the stock.
I will post pictures when I have them down sized or I can send them to any one that will help, but I would need your email to send from my iPad.


I'll send you a PM with my eMail address and you can send the picts to me and I'll put them to a usable size.


I've never wanted something so useless in my life.
In Omnia Paratus
1947-05-19 - 2016-07-14 †


Thanks Carl,mill get some soon, just working on fitting new stock on my other 2240.




That is how the stock goes on the handle.
Shape I cut out of lexan.





Shape of grips, made for right hand


How I carry my ammo, cut the top off co2 for pellets and find a rubber plug to fit, that's the hard part.

Old Dog

You have done a great job, Thanks for sharing  :-* :-* :-*

Bill  :)
This Old Dog has outlived most of my enemies!!!
Many of my friends also, sorry to say!!!


Quote from: Seatec on July 03, 2016, 01:54:10 AM
How I carry my ammo, cut the top off co2 for pellets and find a rubber plug to fit, that's the hard part.

Very resourceful with the co2 top removal. :-*   I have been wondering what to do with them.
I was thinking with a proper plug, a bit of Jamenson 12 year Reserve would fit nicely.

Old Dog

Yes in case of snake bite one would have an elixir of comfort :) :) :)
This Old Dog has outlived most of my enemies!!!
Many of my friends also, sorry to say!!!


Made mould for grips, can make a set a lot quicker .


Quote from: 1377x on May 24, 2016, 12:43:02 AM
yep. Don't even need a tap. I used a drill and the set screw. It threaded itself. Very sturdy considering what you're working with

I did a search on ''set screw into plastic breech'',  and found this thread on page 219 but the picture did not follow with the quote.  Any pros or cons with this mod?   I was thinking it might stabilize the barrel for a little more accuracy?