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What work did you just do?

Started by Fronzdan, October 27, 2012, 04:25:40 PM

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updated my 2289 with a long steel breech and a Center Point Multi-TAC Quick Aim Sight...

updated my 2300KT with a 2-stage trigger and also replaced the breech that had come from the Custom Shop with a very poor finish. (replacement was sent after I contacted CS about the problem)



Those shooters are looking good rws.

Modded 1377
Modded 2240
Modded 1322
1750 HPA pistol
Stock 2260(for now)
.22 Gen.2 Marauder
CCS 2300
Custom 1740
38 T


you didnt waste anytime swapping out the trigger group
closed mouths dont get fed


Nice RWS  :-*  Putting that trigger on the 2300 is a great option.  Crosman should have that option in the custom shop as it takes this good shooter to a great shooter. The 3 Crosman pistols I have all have that trigger.
"I've lost what's left of my right mind"

brz-ryder †

Finished milling the new brass CO2 tubes for my 2240 will post pics in the machining section after i get done polishing them

my shooters
Crosman 2240 stock
Crosman 2240 highly modded
Crosman 2240 polished
Crosman stubby 2240
Crosman 116 x3
Crosman Vigilante
Crosman 1861 shiloh
Daisy 1140
Beeman p17
ruger mark 1
hatsan supercharger 25 in .22
Crosman heritage 2260
Crosman AS2250XT
Winchester M14


Quote from: brz-ryder on August 15, 2013, 12:08:02 PM
Finished milling the new brass CO2 tubes for my 2240 will post pics in the machining section after i get done polishing them


:o :o way to cool ... how many are you making ?
Albany, New York

brz-ryder †

Quote from: KevinP on August 15, 2013, 12:12:04 PM
:o :o way to cool ... how many are you making ?
Just 2 for now a 8 3/8 stock size and one 12" long want to see how they turn out before i make any more. Also need to get the DRO installed before i make any more pain using indicator

my shooters
Crosman 2240 stock
Crosman 2240 highly modded
Crosman 2240 polished
Crosman stubby 2240
Crosman 116 x3
Crosman Vigilante
Crosman 1861 shiloh
Daisy 1140
Beeman p17
ruger mark 1
hatsan supercharger 25 in .22
Crosman heritage 2260
Crosman AS2250XT
Winchester M14


I completed my "Dan House" P-Rod stock upgrade....

The Prod itself is new, put together from parts I bought from JPMoneyshot and ordered from Crosman.  This P-rod with standard furniture was put together for about $200 total.  I added a Gaska shroud extension too.

  I really like the stock on my Challenger and saw how Dan House mounted his Prod in one.  All you need is the Challenger stock, an Mrod trigger group (I had a new one laying around) and a little bit of inletting.  At Dan's suggestion I used a Forstner bit instead of the hole saw i was going to try.  I measured a dozen times every which way, said a prayer, crossed my fingers and bore out a hole for the Prod gauge.

The Forstner bit made a very clean, precise hole.  I think the hole saw i was going to use would have hacked the edges a bit.  Thanks, Dan.

Whew I measured correctly, lol.  It lines up very well with about 1/16" clearance around the gauge.  It is recessed quite a bit, but I can see it when I need to.  I am thinking of putting a cover/cap of some sort on it if I can find the right diameter.

The next bit of work needed is to either enlarge the existing slot for the barrel band, or cut a new one.  The existing Challenger barrel band slot is pretty shallow.  The Prod band is chunkier on the bottom.  Making the existing slot deeper would likely cut into the cutouts in the forearm.    I opted to cut a new slot further down the stock so it's between the cut outs, giving more material to cut into...see the Challenger here

I used a dremel to cut the new slot on the right.  I kept the tolerance pretty tight around the band.

All that was left was tapping a hole in the Mrod trigger pack for the Challenger trigger guard and its a drop in!

I threw on a bug buster I had, but I think it needs a bit bigger glass.  Plus I don't like the short eye relief on this model.  Notice I have the front ring as far back as I can get it and its still too forward for my liking.  I have a bigger Centerpoint on its way.

It shoots great and has great balance and is short and light.  The project cost me about 80 bucks- for the trigger guard, the stock mounting screw and the stock itself.  (I got a great deal on the stock)


really looks impressive well done mate
I am also active on https://ukchineseairgunforum.com


Holy cow !!!!!!!!!!!  nice job ................   :-*
Albany, New York


Finally fitted Colt Delta Elite grips to my Umarex Colt 1911 IPAS pistol.  I dremeled the shape over about 5 days this week, trying very hard not to go through grip or break outline  :D

Managed it, phew

The frame

How it looks


Nice job ... !!!!!!!!!!!!   :-*
Albany, New York


Quote from: Fronzdan on August 16, 2013, 08:38:54 PM
I completed my "Dan House" P-Rod stock upgrade....
It shoots great and has great balance and is short and light.  The project cost me about 80 bucks- for the trigger guard, the stock mounting screw and the stock itself.  (I got a great deal on the stock)

Just a superb transformation! I really do like the Challenger stock and can only imagine how well it will work on the PRod. A++++++


Outstanding work Fronzdan!!   :-*  You dig in deep on that one, and it came out beautiful.
I'm amazed at what some of you guys can do. I stress out putting on a steel breech.  :(

NW Chicago suburbs


Great work with that conversion Mr Fronzdan  :-* that looks very solid and well done!
Welcome to your life :)
Member of the Western Heretic Alliance