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Barrel Run out

Started by blake.l, October 29, 2014, 07:12:48 PM

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How do you check barrel run out and what type tool do you have to have to do this?


just rolling it on a flat surface is good enough for me


[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjqD18qF6kM#ws]New Barrel for the .22 Marauder[/url]
1322XLT(2100/13XX hybyid)750 fps @ 16 pumps w/CPHP 14.3g

MK1322(2240/13XX/MK177 hybrid) 805 fps at @ 22 pumps w/14.3g CPHP

about 5 more 13xxs
Two Daisy 953(# 31x Jan. 1985) & (Sept 2004)
2100b (with old style piston)
.25 Mrod (50fpe tune)
.177 BSA Buccaneer (on the way)


And.. keep in mind that O.D. run-out is not always indicative of the barrel (I.D.) run-out or even straightness, ie: you can bore a straight hole through a crooked piece of bar stock.

Also, unless a barrel is way out of round or out on T.I.R., the pellet doesn't really "care" until the last inch or two of the barrel. A good crown is more important. (this doesn't apply equally to PB barrels for "explosive" reasons)

FWB mod 2 attached, and yes, it's one hole accurate at 10 meters.


Thanks for the info guys, BDS any video of that pistol shooting floating around? would love to see it shoot...


Hmmm... not that I have seen, it was a one off by FWB designers to prove a point, the original write-up on it was in an old Blue Book many years back.

In some ways similar to that pistol, the FX PCP rifles have what FX calls "smooth twist" barrels, no, they aren't twisted like that pistol but... the rifling is only at the exit end of the barrel, maybe 25% of total barrel length. They also proved a point about the neccesity of full rifling and then put it into production on their rifles these past few years. AG barrel length also has a lot of "folklore" surrounding it, usually that longer is better (  :-[ haha :D ). Examples that dis-prove that are the HW 97K and the Air Venturi Bronco carbines, both are tack drivers with 9" and 10" barrels!