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Dirty Pellets

Started by zenki213, March 14, 2011, 09:50:31 PM

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Okay so I just re-supplied myself with 4 tins of Crosman pellets and once I opened one of the Crosman Hollow Point .22 tin I noticed that there's a lot of debris/lead shavings. What's the proper way to clean these pellets without messing up the skirt and the proper lubrication?


I give up, what is the prpoer way?    ???
Better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it!


wash with mild dish detergent, make sure all the soap is off, dry completely, oil. here is an article about oiling the pellets



Thanks bdb12586 so a simple dish washing soap will not ruin the pellets or anything like that right? Okay I guess ill try this out. And for lubricating the pellets, can i use a ballistol aerosol can and just spray them with it?


seen this several times on video's, haven't dont it myself, to much like work.