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i got a crazy notion

Started by 1377x, September 04, 2012, 06:59:55 AM

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to build a 9mm 2250.i gues it will be a 950 ;)
i have been reading and reading until i notice i havent slept in 3 days :o ;D ;D
what i found is a cheap 9mm barrel liner that over the years have been used to make these 9xx guns
now ther are good and bad reports on these barrel liners the good reports are the usual they shoot decent blah blah blah
the bad reports are some arent concentrical to the bore,they are thin which can lead to bending
because i dont have the tools to make a 9mm breech and i am not going to pay $100+ to have a breech made im going to go the old fashioned route.its going to be a muzzleloader.
i read that if i plug the breech and put a probe in there to keep the ammo from going to the back of the breech it will work because the ammo will sit past the transfer port
the ammo can be pellets or bullets but pellets make more sense because of the limited power
this is what i need if i miss something throw out a suggestion i am listening
i need a platform- 2250
powerstation- boss valve probably going with a disco boss valve
barrel- 9mm barrel liner
barrel shroud- for the protection of the thin barrel liner
breech- plastic breech because the barrel liner slides right in
breech plug-this is where i am stumped but once i have the parts in front of me it will come plus i could use any suggestions
transfer port- .25 to .375 have to read all the threads again to see what the best size is
trigger-to be determined
hammer- probably a custom or jbweld filled hammer
way to charge the hammer-easiest if a custom hammer is used ans set up as a rear cocker
hammer spring-i'll try several disco,.040 and .045

the way i see it the gun is going to be strictly a 10-20 yard shooter so an undersized pellet,roundball and a patch should be accurate enough for my shooting range
the barrel liner is a true 9mm iirc .350 bore diameter and .357 groove diameter.it is 16.5" in length and @ $30 delivered

come on lets put our heads together and see what we come up with
im going to be using a breech band for best results with the plastic breech and because a riser is going to be needed for the clearance of the shroud.a longer breech screw plastic breech probably wont hold up

im in the rough phase of the project.i want to this build through.it may take some time but i am in no hurry
if someone else wants to try their hand at it have at it.
i think this is going to be a cool project
closed mouths dont get fed


If the barrel OD is .440, that's hair larger than the stock Crosman barrel so why shouldn't it fit in a Crosman steel breech?Have the correct sized custom bolt to push the pellet / ball.  Don't see why a 1/4" bolt wouldn't work.  I would go rear cocker for the ease of cocking and having to put undue stress on the bolt assembly to cock. With the rear cocking no need for an extended hammer pin too!  Just a riser for the clearance! Imagine the spring combinations now!  That way one could, if you wanted to build it for 50 yard rips @ 60fpe!
  If you can pull this one off I can see a bunch of others trying to build their own.

If it's not broken then modify it!


Quote from: tinker on September 04, 2012, 07:23:35 AM
If the barrel OD is .440, that's hair larger than the stock Crosman barrel so why shouldn't it fit in a Crosman steel breech?Have the correct sized custom bolt to push the pellet / ball.  Don't see why a 1/4" bolt wouldn't work.  I would go rear cocker for the ease of cocking and having to put undue stress on the bolt assembly to cock. With the rear cocking no need for an extended hammer pin too!  Just a riser for the clearance! Imagine the spring combinations now!  That way one could, if you wanted to build it for 50 yard rips @ 60fpe!
  If you can pull this one off I can see a bunch of others trying to build their own.

the crosman steel breech is a hair shy of the right from what i have read.the breech can be easily gutted to fit the barrel.the barrel is to thin to turn down even a hair
to use a bolt flow through came highly recommened the loading port and rear section of the breech would need to be machined and the bolt made.that will cost me a kidney :o
it would be best to be built on a disco platform then at least 2600psi could be used to push the 60gr-70gr pellet or a bottle regulated at 1800-2000psi
im trying to do this as cheap as possible if i had the proper tools it would be a different story
workinman sells these 9mm based on a 2260 platform and they are priced very reasonably
it would make more sense to buy one from him and switch it over to a disco
i want to get it done for less than that since i have most of the parts laying around
all i would need is the barrel,tube for the shroud,transfer port and ammo to make the muzzleloader
if this can be done for less than $200 i hope to see more around here and before i get mine finished i have another project ahead of this that is important to me that needs finishing
im putting this out them in hopes of the avg joe diy'r
closed mouths dont get fed


 If need be a stepped bolt would work since the breech opening for the barrel is 7/16" so the bolt would slide in from the front and the rear portion of the breech wouldn't need to be modified. Yes I can see the need for a flow through bolt. 
Thinking about it just now, the breech opening groove for loading would need to be enlarged too, the projectile isn't going to load, too shallow / narrow a groove.  Crap more things to think about.

If it's not broken then modify it!


Hel yeah man, i love it ;)!!! Dude just muzzle load that puppy and solder the back shut. Just be sure you don't go beyond the transfer port. You could actually try to fit a nail (as in "a hammer and nail") in there and solder, hot glue or vulcanize rubber ( Just do a search for: Rubber-to-Metal Bindings) the back to make it airtight,  that wil suffice as an extended probe. So it wil float above the transfer port hence touching the diabolo chute but being conic shaped it wil still lett the co2 flow. This will make sure the bullet type of choice will not go all the way to the back of the breech but you will still get pallet propulsion. Now the propelling force however is total different ballgame. You could try to melt your lead in a mold that gives you hollowed 9mm chutes so it wil weigh less and swap most of the original internals :-* Maybe i got my brain where the moon don't shine but i think this oughta work. I am really excited as in how this project of yours will turn out man, keep us updated please. 8)


The lightest 9mm i could find, they are 3.3x heavier than my H&N baracuda's .22 so you're going to need some serious pressure power.
A 12gram Co2 powerlet holds about 6.5 bar = 94.2745295 pounds per square inch so 150 psi should pack the punch to proppel the 3.3x more weight of the pallet. Mind you, don't do a 3,3x pressure cause that would be 94.2745295 x 3.3 = 311.105947Psi which i'm sure wil make the gun explode. I'm not sure if the internals could even handle the 150 psi but i think the engineers @ crosman could give you the answer to that.

Kind regards Alan

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Dutch forum General crosmans incl some cool mod pics http://www.luchtbuks.net/index.php?showtopic=30584
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The Gat
:-* ZON3OF3ND3RS aka The ;D Dutchy 8)


hey, you feel like buying my gun to make it work? 200 bucks and the whole thing is yours:


Quote from: millipede on September 04, 2012, 12:59:04 PM
hey, you feel like buying my gun to make it work? 200 bucks and the whole thing is yours:

is it a 9mm?
how fast does it shoot?
closed mouths dont get fed


Quote from: tinker on September 04, 2012, 09:44:29 AM
If need be a stepped bolt would work since the breech opening for the barrel is 7/16" so the bolt would slide in from the front and the rear portion of the breech wouldn't need to be modified. Yes I can see the need for a flow through bolt. 
Thinking about it just now, the breech opening groove for loading would need to be enlarged too, the projectile isn't going to load, too shallow / narrow a groove.  Crap more things to think about.

the bolts i have read about were the kind that loaded from the front
9mm seemed to the rage 4-5 years ago
i search 9mm on the green forum everything we have discussed has been there

while a 22xx tube can handle 1600psi-2k psi the disco tube can handle up to 3k psi.i know 5k psi wont blow the gunup if the valve is secured properly.the disco valve can handle 5k psi with the stock mounting holes just need a screw strong enough
closed mouths dont get fed


I looked a bit too.  It seems a threaded breech plug would be the way to go sealed with some red locktite :-* should hole the pressure.

If it's not broken then modify it!


Threaded plug was what I was thinking too.  Tap the barrel inside the breech end to fit a machine screw and cut the threads right up to the port.  Then grind the machine screw off to create a plug with a probe on it.  Threaded portion should stop where you stopped tapping the barrel which should be just short of the port.  You may have to keep grinding on it for a longer probe or grind some of the probe off to get the right length.  When you get it right, cut the head of the machine screw off and slot it for a screwdriver.  Or make the plug from an Allen type setscrew.
NRA Life Member
USAF Veteran 1973-1977 (43151E) Sgt (E-4)


This sounds great :-* A muzzleloading airgun!! Now ya'll got my wheels spinning. What would a smooth bore  do in 15 to 20 yards. Man I may try this out or CPVC and see how it works :)


Quote from: Trophyhunter49 on September 05, 2012, 03:31:49 AM
This sounds great :-* A muzzleloading airgun!! Now ya'll got my wheels spinning. What would a smooth bore  do in 15 to 20 yards. Man I may try this out or CPVC and see how it works :)
if its enough around the pwllet it should do good.lets see what you can put together!
closed mouths dont get fed


Quote from: 1377x
is it a 9mm?
how fast does it shoot?

it's just a .22 shoots around 600-630 fps. i cant really remember. i never shoot it and it just hangs on the wall in my shop. it's really cool but im way more into my pumpers and i keep getting the urge to convert it to pcp but i don't feel like spending all the time and money to do that. I've been meaning to put it up in the classified for a while now...


Hey Ed 9mm sounds like a nice idea what weight bullet would you use.
                                     Mike  8)
Treat people the way you want to be treated, Life will be so much better !!!


Quote from: Crosshairs on September 05, 2012, 08:51:45 PM
Hey Ed 9mm sounds like a nice idea what weight bullet would you use.
                                     Mike  8)
60gr maybe 70gr depening on how fast i can get it shooting.i want 550-600 fps if possible but will settle for 500fps
closed mouths dont get fed