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muzzle brake?

Started by Speakersrulemyworld, March 21, 2012, 12:56:54 AM

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Is it really worth the money to get a decent muzzle brake (Paris D) or a muzzle brake?  i really like the look of it and i think it would look great on my gun, but is it a good idea, and will it help the sound?


over kill for you gun
ckeck your pm's
closed mouths dont get fed

arkmaker †

FYI - We call them LDC's (Lead Dust Collectors) on this forum to avoid any questions that are related to the powder burners. They need a Federal License. We just don't want to go there!  :-*
I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22



he advertises them for airguns and firearm use, while they do work better then a tko one has to wonder just how much trouble you can get into with one from airgun artisans because he ships them from over sea's in 2 packages...

the first package contains the internal peice and once you confirm you got that peice he then ships the outter peice.. he does that as a means to get around customs and avoid federal laws.. its still illegal, just by the way he ships them i wouldnt buy one...

a tko ldc is ment for crosman barrels it would either destroy its self if put on a firearm and you wuold need a lot of work to even remotely get it close to being used on a firearm, thats why i view tko ldc's as a safer option
.22 disco, leapers 3-12x40 IR AO
.22 ccs 2400, leapers 4x32 (awaiting barrel swap & 7.5tko)
.22 gamo bigcat, rds
.177 walther 99q, low profile laser sight

arkmaker †

True what Mike says. The EU have different laws concerning this issue. Seems the people over there value "quiet", which is just the opposite in the US. I was told by someone in England, that it is frowned upon when not using a LDC. Here in the US, it is a very controversial subject. From my understanding, you need a special federal permit for firearms to use one in the US (the LDC in question is definitely made for a firearm). Also, if it can be used on a firearm, then it is considered to be a firearm LDC. The slip on's made for a specific barrel is a safer way to go IMHO.

Here is a vendor of .22 firearm LDC's. I suggest giving him a call before proceeding with a purchase. He can give you the straight scoop on the subject. No sense going through the hassle just to end up a felon.

I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22


Quote from: arkmaker on March 21, 2012, 12:40:40 PM
True what Mike says. The EU have different laws concerning this issue. Seems the people over there value "quiet", which is just the opposite in the US. I was told by someone in England, that it is frowned upon when not using a LDC. Here in the US, it is a very controversial subject. From my understanding, you need a special federal permit for firearms to use one in the US (the LDC in question is definitely made for a firearm). Also, if it can be used on a firearm, then it is considered to be a firearm LDC. The slip on's made for a specific barrel is a safer way to go IMHO.

Here is a vendor of .22 firearm LDC's. I suggest giving him a call before proceeding with a purchase. He can give you the straight scoop on the subject. No sense going through the hassle just to end up a felon.

they get ldc's over there
we get firearms over here
i think i like our rules here wont give up my firearms for a ldc
closed mouths dont get fed

arkmaker †

Just wise to be aware of the laws. The guy selling it is just as responsible as the guy buying, but............the seller is overseas and the buyer here.................who do you think the feds are going to go after? That's why all mine have been slip on style and would blow apart if used on a PB....

I Am A Natural Mad Air Gunner  -  Full Of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly!

114 Rifle, 2240XL Pistol, 1861 Shiloh Pistol, 357 Pistols, Titan GP Rifle, PM66 Rifle, 2400KT .177 LW Carbine, CZ T200 Rifle, Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle, Hammerli 850 Air Magnum in .22


you can own a firearm ldc here in the states but you have to go to a class 3 weapons dealer iirc and pay like a 200 dollar tax stamp IF IT IS LEGAL TO OWN ONE IN UR STATE

i have some friends out in lake travis and one day we saw a female deer across the street ( this area is on a lake and a contry type feel and laws) its considered county not city.. neways the doe had both rear legs broken about 6in from the rear hip and was trying to run on blood bone stumps with her legs dangling and flopping around.. i called the game warden to try and get permission to put her down but they wouldnt give it and the nearest game warden was 2hrs away. i told them if i have to wait 2hrs for someone to come and put a a bullet in her head to end the suffer then you can mail me my ticket because i will do it myself.. 10 minutes later travis county sheriffs showed up.. he took a little sig .22 with hp's and a screw on muzzle brake and walked up to her then  you just heard thud thud, 2 rds softer sounding then a cough..

i got to talking to him and he unscrewed it and handed it to me, told me how to get one and how much it costs.. it was his personal firearm for dealing with problem animals in the country.. the thing weighed about as much as a tko and was about the same size and length.

so you can get one but it takes a couple of hunred bucks, atf, nfa paper work that takes a couple of months for them to decided if you can have one...
.22 disco, leapers 3-12x40 IR AO
.22 ccs 2400, leapers 4x32 (awaiting barrel swap & 7.5tko)
.22 gamo bigcat, rds
.177 walther 99q, low profile laser sight


you can skip the background check by having a trust set up
there is a gun shop here in MN that has a class on setting up a trust and cut down the hassle of getting a legal supresor.
i think tennessee has it the best for this super simple if you live there or at least thats how it used to be.things change everyday
none the less what the UK and EU pay for them is way less than us Americans do.unless you have a form1 then its cost of materials as low as $10 or less
closed mouths dont get fed

Red Harris

Here in California, they are flat out illegal..... :(


Hi all. Does the use of LDCs affect pellet performance? Thanks
U.S. Navy Submarine Force 1986-2008


This has been an ongoing topic since, well, forever. (I remember talking about it back in the late 80 and early 90s in similar forums).   

First off, I'll start by saying that the goal here is to find a way to comply and be a "good egg" as it were.  But it's not simple in this case.  They make it horribly convoluted in this case and I've heard a lot of crazy things over the last couple of years with the advent of (mostly overseas) breaks and the like being so easy to find online.

The issue is that while using one on an airgun is legal, having the components to make one or one that is intact that is not on an airgun and in theory could be used on a firearm by an enterprising criminal is not.  So while it's "legal" to use, you can't import , own, or so much as breathe on it by itself (unless you're a firearms dealer, naturally and have the right permits/etc).  That guy overseas may try to ship it to you, but you're the one who will have to answer a lot of questions by men who have absolutely zero sense of humor.  Don't even try it.  You might get lucky, or you might end up in jail.

You basically would have to buy one on a gun that's already installed in such a way that it's literally welded or otherwise permanently attached to the barrel.  If the ATF takes your airgun and can physically get it off without destroying it (think huge industrial machinery, blow torches, and the like - loc-tite won't cut it), you're going to jail.  This takes a knowledgeable person to do properly and the problem is that they don't so this sort of work in most of Europe or Canada (since their idea is that you want to be able to unscrew them, right?)  And good luck getting it through customs in any case.

Also, you could go to a custom shop that does this sort of work, though it better be non-removable or else.  This is a huge risk for the shop as well, as one bad install means a huge legal mess for them.  Most shops won't touch this sort of thing for that reason.  They'll gladly deal with people who have the permits and so on for firearm versions, but modifying an airgun like this is a no-go.

So that means if you could find one that's already installed at the factory/custom air-smith and is part of the barrel (Airforce Talon, Marauder, etc), you're good to go.  Otherwise, it's simply impossible and you need to go the route mentioned above with the govt permit.

The short answer is to just get something from the factory with one already installed.  Thankfully Crosman managed to figure to a way to get around the issue with their Marauder line.   :)


Quote from: Speakersrulemyworld on March 21, 2012, 12:56:54 AM
Is it really worth the money to get a decent muzzle brake (Paris D) or a muzzle brake?  i really like the look of it and i think it would look great on my gun, but is it a good idea, and will it help the sound?
Of course its worth the money if you don't want to disturb your neighbors, or awaken interest in what you are doing. Who want to live next door to someone shooting an air gun for hours, especially a high power one.
I have an Weihraush, it's excellent, takes away like 90% of the noise I estimate, and from what I have seen on youtube the Paris D is very good to, prob better.
If it's not legal where you live, then thats an other issue, no need for people to address that in every tread about these devices.
When you have to kill a man,
it costs nothing to be polite.
- Winston Churchill


the paris d is very illegal in the usa.they get seized at customs thats why he sends them in 2 shipments.there are other UK,EU makers that send to the USA also.some got through some do not.
not really worth the risk if you ask me.i dont want to meet bubba
heres a thread that happened on the gta.mac-1 has actually conversed with the atf sent them designs some were approved some not

closed mouths dont get fed


very interesting read. i am sure any device can be made to fit a firearm its just if it makes any difference when it is on there.
i was always under the impression baffles had to be used to constitute an illegal device

people take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.
just because they are not on your road doesnt mean there lost.