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So, RWS Superpoints---rebranded

Started by Monkeydad1969, August 15, 2014, 05:11:24 AM

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I got these at Wally World.  Not very clean.  But they put it down on this rabbit last night.  I hit it and it jumped 2-3' straight up, landed and not even a twitch.  Loudest pellet smack I have ever heard.  Umarex does sell RWS on their site---so stands these are rebranded Superpoints.

Aurora, CO.


So you are here also? What did you pay for these fine pellets? :)
We need to keep going and have fun doing it.


My good sir, I am here too.  I paid 5.97 for those fine pellets.  Good deal to me.  Going to buy them out on pay day and make an online order for those, the Benji pellets in .22 and .25 and stock up on some .177 Ultra Mags.  The Wally World I went to also carries the Benji HP's in .177 and they were cheap too...under 6.00 (gonna get those too).  So start watching your local WM's.  This is that time of the year.
Aurora, CO.


Thanks for the tip. But the Walmart here only has about 3 different types of Crosman pellets and maybe 2 kinds of Daisy and that is it. I'll go look though, maybe they will get something different. :)
We need to keep going and have fun doing it.


Hope they do get a better offering.  It's nice to have a variety to choose from, especially if it's local.  They are sold out online.  I wish they would sell .25's at the store.
Aurora, CO.


There are several Walmarts near me, but the closest two have a limited selection of pellets.  Some of the stores have a better selection,  but all of them seem to have a lot of empty shelf space with labels for pellets.  I have a pretty good stock of .22 pellets, but I have been using mostly the 2300s lately.   Both are .177, and dont seem to mind what pellet, except not the OLD crosman wadcutters, out of the can with the sliding lid.  Hmm, how did I end up with two 2300s?
Anyway, I will stock up, a bit.  Maybe I will do an inventory...


Aurora, CO.


I have to disagree about them being rebranded RWS superpoints, I do agree that they are a good pellet they do well up to about 750 fps in my pumpers higher than that well they seem to be just a touch unstable.

The RWS pellet are made in Germany  these are made in china...

I have the strong opinion that these the Daisys and Winchester are made at the same plant

If you look at the RWS pellets they are very different in construction and a bit higher quality...

I picked up 6 tins @ $3.08 a tin... :)


below is a pic left to right

Ruger 16.9g .22 superpoints,  Daisy 14.3g .22 points,  Winchester 9.8g .177 points and Daisy 7.2g .177 points...
1322XLT(2100/13XX hybyid)750 fps @ 16 pumps w/CPHP 14.3g

MK1322(2240/13XX/MK177 hybrid) 805 fps at @ 22 pumps w/14.3g CPHP

about 5 more 13xxs
Two Daisy 953(# 31x Jan. 1985) & (Sept 2004)
2100b (with old style piston)
.25 Mrod (50fpe tune)
.177 BSA Buccaneer (on the way)



You may be right.  But I am happy with them.  Ordered 8 tins plus the .177 they make from Wally World.  3.22 for the .22's, 3.48 for the .177's.  I got  eight .22's and two .177's.

Aurora, CO.


I picked up some of the hollow points also and once again they look like Daisy/Winchester...

I like the Winchester hollows more they weigh in at about 10g with both the daisy and Rugers about 7.9g

the Rugers look exactly like the Winchesters until you look up their skirts... ;)

The pic does not show it well but the Rugers are hollow much farther up... they all look almost like poorly made H&N hollows and do ok...

from l to  r once again,

Winchester, Ruger, Daisy, H&N...
1322XLT(2100/13XX hybyid)750 fps @ 16 pumps w/CPHP 14.3g

MK1322(2240/13XX/MK177 hybrid) 805 fps at @ 22 pumps w/14.3g CPHP

about 5 more 13xxs
Two Daisy 953(# 31x Jan. 1985) & (Sept 2004)
2100b (with old style piston)
.25 Mrod (50fpe tune)
.177 BSA Buccaneer (on the way)


The .177's shoot really good out of my Phantom.  I hope to go shooting this weekend and get me some P-Dawgs with my PCP's.  I used the .22's the last time I went out and they hit real hard.
Aurora, CO.


the .177s were accurate to about 25 yards in my pumpers other than the Daisys which were good to about 20 yards.

The Ruger .22s were one hole rounds as far as I have to shoot (30 yards) but once I hit about 750 fps they would spiral suddenly at about 27 yards one out of about 7 rounds... ??? below ~750 fps they are great though...

I can not get the Daisy pointed to not spiral past once past 15 yards both  the .177 and .22

I modded some of the Daisy .22 points with a nail file and almost got them to group acceptably. (rounded of the nose and got rid of the ring around the edge)

on the hollow points the Winchesters and H&Ns did .5 groups at 25 yards and the Rugers did .7 groups.

1322XLT(2100/13XX hybyid)750 fps @ 16 pumps w/CPHP 14.3g

MK1322(2240/13XX/MK177 hybrid) 805 fps at @ 22 pumps w/14.3g CPHP

about 5 more 13xxs
Two Daisy 953(# 31x Jan. 1985) & (Sept 2004)
2100b (with old style piston)
.25 Mrod (50fpe tune)
.177 BSA Buccaneer (on the way)


Aurora, CO.