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Pellet Picture Database 5,5mm .22

Started by loksi67, April 05, 2010, 08:09:17 PM

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this is our little pellet picture database. all pellets are caliber .22 / 5,5mm

!!! please use this thread for discussion or comments:

http://www.crosman-air-pistol-owners-forum.com/board/index.php?topic=639.0 !!!


p.s.: if anyone can send me other pellet types (not listed here) so I can make some pics of them

because of copyright: you can use the pics for all private purposes, If you want to use them for commercial purposes, please contact me at loksi67@hotmail.com

list: number / site / pellet name

027   S02   Air Arms Field
089   S06   Air Arms Hunter
077   S06   Beeman Crow Magnum
099   S07   Benjamin Discovery
091   S07   Benjamin High Compression
018   S02   Bisley Long Range Gold
037   S03   Bisley Magnum
026   S02   Bisley Pest Control
080   S06   Bisley Practice
028   S02   Bisley Super Field
025   S02   BSA Elite
068   S05   BSA High Impact Interceptor
108   S08   Champion Ballistic
015   S02   Champion Devastator
116   S08   Champion Polaris Magnum
112   S08   COAL White Pellet Field
115   S08   COAL White Pellet Pointed
054   S04   Cometa Flathead
047   S04   Cometa Pointed
082   S06   Crosman Accupell
019   S02   Crosman Pointed
072   S05   Crosman Premier
088   S06   Crosman Premium Ultra Magnum
110   S08   Crosman Rochester 7
001   S01   Crosman Wadcutter
073   S05   David Nickerson Magnum Dome
069   S05   David Nickerson Magnum Point
030   S03   Daystate FT
023   S02   Daystate Rangemaster FAC
006   S01   Daystate Rangemaster High Energy
094   S07   Daystate Rangemaster Magnum
095   S07   Diana Point
126   S09   Dogg Diabolo
064   S05   Eley Wasp Domed
024   S02   Eley Wasp Round
016   S02   Eley/Bisley Wasp Magnum
041   S03   ELKO Heavy Long Range
042   S03   ELKO Hyper Velocity Field
104   S07   ELKO Hyper Velocity Field Type 1
014   S01   Eun Jin
081   S06   Falcon Accuracy Plus
059   S04   FX Airgun Pellet
125   S09   Gamo Expander
002   S01   Gamo Hunter
121   S09   Gamo Magnum
004   S01   Gamo Match
055   S04   Gamo Pro Hunter
033   S03   Gamo Pro Magnum
008   S01   Gamo Rocket
101   S07   Gamo TS22
010   S01   H&N Baracuda Extra Heavy
124   S09   H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme
092   S07   H&N Coppa Point
046   S04   H&N Crow Magnum
133   S09   H&N Excite Hammer
135   S10   H&N Excite Plinking
134   S10   H&N Excite Spike
058   S04   H&N Field Target
038   S03   H&N Field Target Trophy
017   S02   H&N Hollow Point
029   S02   H&N Match
119   S09   H&N Neue Spitzkugeln
127   S09   H&N Pointed Wasted Pellet
102   S07   H&N Rabbit Magnum II
132   S09   H&N Rabbit Magnum Power
120   S09   H&N Silverpoint 01
050   S04   H&N Silverpoint 01
013   S01   H&N Spitzkugel 01
136   S10   H&N Spitzkugel 02
003   S01   H&N Sport
103   S07   H&N Trophy Hunter
122   S09   Heveder Standard
123   S09   Heveder Superpoint
090   S07   Industry Brand
097   S07   Industry Brand Green Label
117   S08   JS Magnum
118   S08   JS Sport
039   S03   JSB Exact Jumbo
005   S01   JSB Exact Jumbo Express
105   S08   JSB Exact Jumbo RS
034   S03   Kovohute Pribram Spitz Diabolo Boxer
007   S01   Kovohute Pribram Standard Diabolo
065   S05   Logun Penetrator
061   S05   M.S. Diabolo Domed
049   S04   M.S. Diabolo Flathead
066   S05   Marksman Domed
070   S05   Mehmet Ince Spitzkopf
085   S06   Milbro Caledonian
075   S06   Milbro Select
067   S05   Milbro TR 22 Domed
021   S02   Mount Star Jet Pellet
051   S04   Norica Apache
045   S04   Norica Ban
062   S05   Norica Match
056   S04   Norica Shark
048   S04   Norica Thor
060   S05   Nyiri Gyula Superforce
078   S06   Öztay Magnum
130   S09   Pellet Maker Linsenkopf
036   S03   Prometheus Defiant FAC
031   S03   Prometheus Dynamic Air PCP2
040   S03   Prometheus Dynamic Air SN2
128   S09   Prometheus Dynamic Air TM2
011   S01   Prometheus Dynamic Air XP2
020   S02   Prometheus Piledriver
035   S03   RWS Hobby
086   S06   RWS Super H Point
053   S04   RWS Superdome
098   S07   RWS Superfield
012   S01   Schönebek SK Diabolo Rundkopf
114   S08   Seeland Diabolo
079   S06   Skenco Big Boy Jr
043   S03   Skenco Predator Polymag
044   S03   Skenco Ultramag Metal Tip
113   S08   Skenco Ultramag Metal Tip New Edition
022   S02   SMK Spitfire
076   S06   SR MaR Field Target
071   S05   SR MaR Hunter
084   S06   SR MaR Maxima
107   S08   Stoeger X-Field
109   S08   Stoeger X-Match
131   S09   Stoeger X-Power
106   S08   Stoeger X-Speed
111   S08   Stoeger X-Sport
100   S07   Sussex Sabo 22
052   S04   The Peak Flathead
057   S04   The Peak Pointed
083   S06   Thunder Airgun Pellet
074   S05   ThUnderbolt Pellet
063   S05   Umarex Domed
129   S09   Umarex Mosquito
009   S01   Walther Intruder
087   S06   Webley Hustler Harrier
032   S03   Webley Venom Lazamag
093   S07   Weihrauch F&T Special
096   S07   Weihrauch Magnum

...to be continued ....


Gamo Match

weight: 0,90 - 0,91g

length: 6,64 - 6,68mm


JSB Exact Jumbo Express

weight: 0,93 - 0,94g

length: 6,67 - 6,75mm


Daystate Rangemaster High Energy

weight: 0,97 - 0,98g

length: 6,59 - 6,63mm


Kovohute Pribram Standard Diabolo

Weight: 0,93 - 0,94g

Length: 6,67 - 6,76mm


H&N Baracuda Extra Heavy

Weight: 1,37 - 1,38g

Length: 8,64 - 8,72mm


Prometheus Dynamic Air XP2

Weight: 0,94 - 0,95g

Length: 9,11 - 9,26mm


Schönebek SK Diabolo Rundkopf

Weight: 0,98 - 0,99g

Length: 6,61 - 6,70mm


H&N Spitzkugel 01

Weight: 1,03 - 1,04g

Length: 8,47 - 8,69mm